

Dear AJL Convention Speaker:

Please share your June 2005 AJL Convention presentation with those unable 
to attend your session or convention. It will be published in the 
Proceedings of the 40th Annual Convention of Association of Jewish 
Libraries -Oakland, California, June 19-23, 2005, on the AJL Website 

Each published presentation will include your text, and your abstract and 
bio copied from the convention book. We will publish on the AJL website in 
PDF (Portable Document Format) to preserve the integrity of your work, i.e. 
others can save, download, and/or print it but cannot modify it in this format.

In previous years we provided detailed formatting instructions to provide a 
uniform look in a printed Proceedings publication. Now that papers can be 
accessed individually online, we're relaxing our format requirements-please 
suit yourself as to font, heading and footnote style, and length (within 
reason!). The few requests we still must make, along with instructions for 
getting the paper to us, are outlined below.

Deadline: Saturday, August 20, 2005
1. Format: Send us an "electronic" copy (written on a computer and copied 
to a diskette, OR attached as a file to email, OR copied and pasted into an 
email message. If you send a diskette, identify software and version.) We 
will add your abstract and bio to the online version of your paper. We will 
NOT touch the content. If your paper requires special formatting, also mail 
a print copy. If you have no access to a computer, mail a print copy -- on 
8-1/2 x 11 white plain paper. Please do not fax.
2. Hebrew in text preferably typed, or in easy-to-read print or handwriting.
3. Contents/Copyright/Notes: Must be your original work.  Include 
copyrighted materials only with permission, or cite full references to 
these materials.  For quotations, indicate source and page number.  You may 
indicate your own copyright of your manuscript on the first page, if you wish
4. Errors: No cross-outs, written inserts, etc. We will NOT be editing. 
Please correct typos, etc. Use Spellcheck! Our disclaimer to publish "as 
is" will be stated in the Preface.
5. At the end of your paper, feel free to add "For more information, 
contact . . . " -- for handouts, bibliography, references, illustrations, 
Web address, etc.
6. Graphics:  Please send all graphics IN A SEPARATE FILE from your 
text.  To decrease dowload time for your readers, we will connect them to 
your text by means of hotlinks.  Please insert *** (three asterisks) before 
and after the text pointing to each graphic to enable us to identify needed 
hotlinks easily.  If you have questions, contact Joan Biella.
7. PowerPoint presentations:  We can accept these as long as the file is on 
the order of 2 MB or smaller.  Long files are simply too cumbersome for 
most viewers to download.  As faster technology spreads, we will hope to 
increase the file size limits.
8. Delivery: By August 20, please SEND by e-mail to: Joan Biella 
(Proceedings Committee Chair): [EMAIL PROTECTED] WITH A COPY TO Elana 
Gensler (AJL Publications VP) [EMAIL PROTECTED] If sending a print copy is 
the ONLY option for you, please address it to Joan Biella, 4853 Cordell 
Ave. #616, Bethesda MD 20814.

Questions/Extensions? Contact Joan Biella (Proceedings Committee Chair): 
202-707-0982 -- fax 202-707-2824 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

THANK YOU VERY MUCH! We very much appreciate your participation and 
AJL Proceedings Committee

FYI -- If desired, you may send your paper to AJL Proceedings (a timely "as 
is" publication) AND ALSO submit it, in more detailed form, to AJL's 
Judaica Librarianship (a well-researched scholarly refereed publication).

Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual author
and are not necessarily endorsed by the AJL
Submissions for Ha-Safran, send to: Hasafran @ lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
SUBscribing, SIGNOFF commands send to: Listproc @ lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
Questions, problems, complaints, compliments;-) send to: galron.1 @ osu.edu
Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org

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