The following donations were recently made to the AJL Scholarship Fund:

Donations by Ilene Wieselthier and Marion Stein in memory of Marcia Goldberg.
Donations by Marion Stein in memory of the following individuals: Michael 
Harry Baker, father of Zachary Baker; Saul Gorne, father of Merrily Hart; 
Leila Chernotsky, mother of Rachel Glasser; Lillian Gilbert, mother of 
Ellen Cole; Miriam Spitzer, mother of Chaya Wiesman; Sarah Kinrich, mother 
of Lisa Silverman; Emily Pearl, grandmother of Elana Gensler; Edith Degani 
and Mae Weine.

Donations on behalf of  his colleagues of the AJL and by Ronda Rose in 
memory of Herb Zafren.
Donation on behalf of the AJL Board and Council in honor of the Oakland 
Convention Committee.

Please send future contributions to the Fund to me at the address below. 

Debbie Stern, Library Director
Mordecai M. Kaplan Library
Reconstructionist Rabbinical College
1299 Church Road
Wyncote, PA 19095

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