A new excellent translation by Eliyahu Munk of the Tur on the Torah 
(cat.no.56222) has been published. Its published by Lambda, Brooklyn, NY 
but it is the US arm of Urim the Jerusalem, Israel publisher. It has an
Israeli ISBN 965 7108-76-4.

The work is a three volume set and you have gotten earlier works by this 
translator and publisher.

It is a 'must have,' but it's 3 vols. and sells for $140.00, (after all 
discounts) and so we ask before sending.

There is no need to say much about the authoritative translations by 
Eliyahu Munk, which have included the works of Rabbi Tzvi of Mecklenberg 
-  'Haketav vehakabbala', 'Hahut hameshulash and many others.

The Tur, R' Yakov ben Asher, the Rosh, wrote the seminal work of halacha 
(in 4 parts) and this is the commentary on this work on Bible, including 
restatement of Nachmanides commentary.  Although the author and his famous 
father R' Asher ben Yehiel were born in Germany they migrated, lived and 
wrote in 13th Cent. Spain.

In addition , I must mention:  the new work by Rabbi Dr. Nathan Lopez 
Cardozo, 'Crisis, Covenant and Creativity: Jewish Thoughts for a Complex 
World', which is published by Urim.  The work is important Jewish 
Philosophy. I would like to highlight the sections on Jewish thinking on 
tolerance. He translates a portion of a Midrash on the creation of man. The 
angels are debating the wisdom of such a creation, on the one hand man may 
do kindnesses and mitzvot and on the other man is full of falsehood.  So 
its 'Kindness' vs. 'Truth.' Pro and Con. The Almighty casts 'Truth' down to 
earth and it is said, 'truth will come/grow from the earth.' The 
explanation given is that truth when cast down to earth shatters to 
infinite pieces. Those pieces of truth are many and not mutually exclusive 
even though they appear to be contradictory at times. There are many 
alternate truths according to this conception of the Midrash. $19.00 cat.#55775

The work is a worthwhile addition to any collection. The author has written 
many other important and interesting works which exemplify observant, 
orthodox Jewish thought. The author is a member of the Portuguese Synagogue 
in Amsterdam.

Two important publication which have come out but are translations of 
earlier works in English, are, in order of importance, 'Israel - People/ 
Land / State - a Nation and its Homeland,' Ed. Avigdor Shinan, pub. Yad Ben 
Zvi, isbn 965-217-239-1, Israel 2005.  The important work stretches from 
archaeology, history, language, culture, politics and naturally Zionism. $29.00

On the popular side of collection and in English as well, there is a new 
book firmly in the category of Israel and Zionism, '24 Hours in the Life of 
IDF,' published by the IDF, Israel Defense Forces and the MoD, Ministry of 
Defense, isbn 965-05-1279-9, Israel 2005. The book is a coffee table book 
but it has photos of everything from high tech aircraft to Israeli soldiers 
doing everything from combat to cooking. It reflects the amazing diversity 
that is Israel and the IDF. There is text by Menachem Michelson and the 
idea came from IDF spokesman and TV journalist Gen. Oded BenAmi. 
cat.no.56413  $37.00

'Sefer Ha-Tishbi,' the Classic 16th Century Lexicon / Dictionary has been 
published again in Bnei Brak, by the Machon HaRav Matzliah, in square print 
with several indices, commentaries and cites/footnotes. The important book 
has explanations of the meanings of many important words from the Bible and 
Talmud and was one of the early works of the German printing press in Isny 
(in Wurttemburg).  This Bnei Brak edition makes reference to earlier 
publications which were a collaboration between the author Elias Ha-Tishby, 
Eliyahu Bachor, aka Elias Levita, and the German printer Paulus Fagius. The 
Bnei Brak Institute publication is available, Cat. # 55991, $17.00.

I happened to see a limited edition of a facsimile of the earlier 
publication recently printed in Jerusalem with a one page Hebrew and 
English forward and 10 pages in German. (Lee Achim publisher.)

The work is important Hebrew Language and Bible as well as History and 
according to the Jerusalem publisher an example of interfaith 
collaboration. (I don't know if any more of the small facsimile edition are 
still available. We can ask. also another edition may be published in future.)

Lastly for now, I would like to bring to your attention a spiral bound book 
entitled, 'Neshot HaSefer..' 'Women of the Book: a Jerusalem Collage. The 
work, is tri-lingual in English, and has some illustrations. In my opinion 
this is not 'just a coffee table book.' The book has entries on Zionism and 
Aliyah, on Palestine, interfaith activities from Palestinian and Jewish 
women and constitutes a history and documentation of Israeli society and 
Women's perspectives.  I hope that you will agree that this work should get 
wide distribution and the subject of inter-cultural understanding should be 
promoted as much as possible.  The publisher is ICCI, Interreligious 
Coordinating Council in Israel and the World Conference of Religions for 
Peace, Cat. # 56360 $28.00

And one last quick one, a new memoir is out by the distinguish justice Haim 
Cohen.  cat.no.55870 - Mavo 'Ishi / Autobiographiah.  published by 
Dvir.  493pages $27.00

Have a good rest of the summer.

Jeff Spitzer
Jerusalem Books
POB 26190
Jerusalem 91260
972-2-6433580 (tel/fax)

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