Dear Friends,

Moshe Kranc, the author of The Hasidic Master's Guide to Management (Devora 
Publishing, ISBN 1-932687-11-4) will be in North America this November and 
is available to speak for groups about this intriguing book. He is 
originally from the US and currently lives in Israel.

There is no honorarium required.

This book combines Hasidic stories and parables with modern day examples 
from the corporate world to present important ideas in management. It 
brings to light the relevance and impact that traditional Jewish ideas can 
have today in modern life. Moshe Kranc has worked in high-tech for over 25 
years, most recently serving as Vice President of Research and Development 
for Jerusalem Venture Partners Studio.

I will be pleased to send you additional information of the book. Mr. Kranc 
is a dynamic and well regarded speaker and I hope to have the opportunity 
to work with you in planning an event with him.

I look forward to being in touch.

Stuart Schnee
Public Relations, Marketing & Sales
US Tel: 973-796-2753
Israel Tel: +972-54-790-9120

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