I have two suggestions.  They are coincidentally written by the same 
author.  Following each title is the publisher's blurb.

Wieder, Joy Nelkin.  The Secret Tunnel.  Hachai Publishing (c2005).

During the time of King Chizkiyahu, dark days lay ahead for Yonatan and the 
Jews of Yerushalayim. The wicked King of Ashur, Sancheriv, was about to 
surround the city. The enemy could easily win by simply blocking off the 
water supply of the Jews. As the danger grew closer, Yonatan resolved to 
help protect his family, his city and his people.

Wieder, Joy Nelkin.  The Great Potato Plan.  Hachai Pubishing (c1999).

Simcha thought that he, Mama and the little ones would soon be on their way 
to join Papa in America. But when a terrible war breaks out in Europe they 
are unable to leave Warsaw. Simcha knows Papa expects him to keep the 
family safe while they are apart. Can Simcha come up with a plan to save 
his family from starvation and from attacks by Russian soldiers?

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