Hi Everyone!

I scanned and posted on my website the new Israeli stamps
that were issued in July.
I included the stamp itself, the first day cover,
and an English and a Hebrew flyer about the stamp.

- 800 years since the death of Maimonides (RAMBAM)
- Pope John Paul II

- Maccabiah 2005

- Israeli Art - Moshe Castel, Arie Aroch, Moshe Kupferman

- Gagea Commutate (plant)

If you do not see July 29, 2005 on the stamps pages,
hold your control key and press the F5 key to refresh your browser.

When viewing the English / Hebrew flyers,
Windows XP / Explorer 6 will reduce the large image if it
does not fit on your screen. Place your mouse over the picture for
2-3 seconds and a small box with 4 arrows will appear.
Click on the small box and the larger image will appear.

Recommendation: F11 key to view full length of pictures

Shabbat Shalom,

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