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From: Susan Dubin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ha-Safran]: Possible author program

Rochelle Krich, author of the adult mystery series about Molly Bloom,
asked me to pass along this information:

I've been busy maintaining my blog--News, Views, and Shmooze--where I
write about a myriad topics, including books (of course), the
media, roaches (don't ask!), current events, and popular culture.
Keeping up the blog is more time-consuming than I anticipated, but
I'm enjoying exercising my nonfiction writing skills, and I love meeting
people who comment on my posts, and meeting other bloggers.

Right now I'm setting up my tour for my fourth Molly Blume mystery, NOW
YOU SEE ME, which deals with teens at risk and focuses
on a Jewish high school senior who runs off with a man she meets in a
Jewish chat room.

NOW YOU SEE ME... (a trade paperback original, $13.95) goes on sale
October 25. And the mass market publication of Grave
Endings, which won the Mary Higgins Clark Award and the Left Coast Crime
Calavera Award, will be out at the end of September.

Here are some early reviews for NOW YOU SEE ME...:

Kirkus Review
"Delving into the dark teen world of cheating, computer chat rooms,
self-mutilation and sexual harassment,... Krich
puts a sure finger on the painful spots where ordinary kids' problems
turn into murderous melodrama—all at a
bargain price."

Publishers Weekly
"Krich hasn't lost what may be her greatest strength: her ability to
invite readers into the world of Orthodox Judaism
or to allow us to share vicariously in its rituals and the warmth of its

American Jewish Library Association Newsletter
"Now You See Me... is intruiging, puzzling, informative, and very

I hope you'll order both books for your library, along with Blues in the
Night and Dream House, the other award-nominated books in
my Molly Blume series.

I also invite you to participate in an exiting new feature: live,
on-line video chats.

I did my first video chat three weeks ago with a book group that met at
a library in Lima, Ohio. Here's what the group facilitator

       This was a first for me (and all the ladies in my group) and I
was not sure what to expect but I can safely say that this
       experience surpassed all expectations!  I took a chance at
saying, we would do book chats for with the rest of the Molly
       Series and as I said it and looked out at the other ladies every
one of them was nodding their heads "Yes". I can say, I
       had as great of a time as you did and know the other ladies did
too!  As they were leaving, they all told me to let them
       know when we would do the next book.

       Any feedback? It was great and I would not change a thing!  We
were able to see and hear you perfectly. The
       conversation went smoothly.  This was a first for all of us and
it says a great deal that they are all eager to do it again!!

The group has scheduled another chat, and so has the library.

If you're interested in arranging a book chat, here's what you what you
*DSL or cable connection to the Internet
*Free download of MS Messenger 7 - (e-mail me with your MS Messenger IM
name so that I can "invite" you to the chat)

I'll appear, live, on your computer screen. I'll chat about the book,
then respond to questions someone from the group will type on the
computer keyboard. To faciliate discussion, I can provide readers'
guides to each of the Molly Blume titles. (Now You See Me... will
have a guide at the back of the book.)

The Ohio library had a large video screen, web cam, and microphone. I
was able to see and hear the group, too--there was no need for
anyone to type questions. If your library has a large screen, web cam,
and mike, that's great.

But you don't need a web cam or microphone to see or hear me. Just a

I'm excited about connecting with people in your community. I hope
you'll schedule an on-line video chat or phone chat--and please
forward this post to anyone who you think would be interested in doing
the same.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

Rochelle Krich
GRAVE ENDINGS, Winner of the Mary Higgins Clark Award and the Calavera
"Krich once again expertly mixes Orthodox Jewish faith with crisp,
whodunit plotting...An entertaining thriller...Krich doesn't miss a
beat" (Publishers Weekly)

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the AJL
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