Dear AJL Members et al.

I am forwarding a note that I received from Debbie Schlackman, Librarian at 
the New Orleans Jewish Day School giving us an update on her school and 

I thank Debbie for taking the time to write to me.

Toby Rossner
AJL Chapters Coordinator

  I am the school librarian for the Joan and Gerald Berenson Library of the New
  Orleans Jewish Day School.  The collection for the Day School is both Jewish
  and secular.  The library also serves as the Community Library for Greater
  New Orleans and is open to the community for research, lending and sharing
  of resources.  I would like to give you the current update of the 
condition of
  our school, library and the collection and ask that you pass it along to

  The library is housed on the 2nd floor of the Goldring Woldenberg Jewish
  Community Campus in Metairie, LA.  This facility houses the Day School, the
  JCC of Metairie, and the Jewish Federation of Greater New Orleans. This
  building sustained flood damage to the entire 1st floor.

   The Day School administrative offices, cafeteria,  and Kindergarten through
  second grade are on the first floor.  The library, Beit Midrash and 
grades three
  through eight are on the 2nd floor.  The library sustained no damage at 
all on
  the 2nd floor.  The collection is dry and intact.  It went without air
  conditioning for several days, but has been air conditioned for about 2 weeks
  now and looks like no mold will occur. I've been told it even smells good in

  The only concern I have as the librarian is the books that were checked 
out by
  our students and patrons, which may have sustained damage or loss during
  the hurricane in their homes or during evacuation.    And of course it 
was the
  beginning of the school year when I highly encouraged the students to check
  out new books, so the majority of the books checked out by students were
  new.  There may have also been books checked out to the classrooms on the
  1st floor, which did sustain water damage and are now in the process of
  demolition and reconstruction.   I will not be able to assess our collection
  losses until the school opens again, which is projected to start up in 
  I will then be able to contact students and patrons about returning library
  materials.  I will be encouraging the return of library books, but will 
not be
  charging students or patrons for unreturned books.  I'm hoping to secure
  funding to replace lost books or damaged books,

  As to books and classroom materials in grades K-2 on the 1st floor: All books
  and classroom materials on the 1st floor were wet and moldy and have been
  thrown away, and will need to be replaced.  The teachers are now in the
  process of letting us know what needs to be replaced.  I will be returning to
  New Orleans Columbus Day weekend and will be going to the facility to
  assess damage and losses to the classrooms and will be able to give you a
  better idea after that visit.  My own home has flood damage, and we are not
  able to live in New Orleans at this time.  We are staying with family in
  Jacksonville, Florida, and I'm not sure when we will be able to move back,
  hopefully by January!

  Please let everyone know that the care and concern of AJL members and
  libraries is a great comfort to me and the staff and teachers of NOJDS.  We
  have been very fortunate that our losses are not catastrophic, but it has 
  a heartbreaking process for the students, teachers and parents of the school
  to evacuate, leave everything behind, and begin a life away from home for an
  unknown period of time.  We are projecting an opening again in January, but
  it is a great unknown about staffing, how many students will actually be
  returning, and funding to run the school.  Again, as soon as I know more, I
  will let you know.  Please feel free to edit this letter and share it on 
  My school e-mail address is working again, and if anyone would like to
  contact me, the address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Donations to the school can
  be made to:  New Orleans Jewish Day School, 3747 West Esplanade Avenue
  Metairie, LA  70002 (Yes, the mailman showed up 2 days ago with tons of
  Debbie Schlackman
  September 29, 2005

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