Dear Fellow Safranim/ot:

In response to inquiries about the
new Spertus building project I thought
I'd post a brief update, along with a link
to additional info found on our website.

Crews are currently preparing the site
(located in the lot immediately north
of the current building) to dig the foundation
for the new building.

G-d willing, we hope to open the doors of
the new facility in the summer or fall of 2007
(AJL is currently scheduled to be in Chicago
in 2009).

The architectual firm, Kruek and Sexton,
a local Chicago firm with an international reputation,
has created a bold design featuring an all-glass
facade and atrium that runs throughout much of
the buildng.

The library will occupy two floors of the 10-story
structure, and will include several new features:
--compact shelving for the majority of the circulating
collection and for all of the objects of the Chicago Jewish Archives,
rare books and maps.
--self-contained special collections reading room
--separate special collections workroom for processing
archival material
--expanded conservation laboratory

For additional information about the building project in general,
including an artist's rendition of facade, please click on the link

P.S. The current building has been sold to our neighbor,
Columbia College.

Glenn Ferdman
director, Asher Library
Spertus Institute of Jewish Studies
618 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60605
(312) 322-1753

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