I am interesting in identifying possible databases that indexes, and 
possibly links lectures, presentations, shiurim, etc. hosted at academic 
forums, museums and community centers.  I think that certain lecturers host 
mp3 files and podcasts on their own web sites.  Other institutions post 
shiurim on theirs (eg. Yeshiva University).  However, is there a managing 
body that is involved in this new technology?  I asked a student last night 
what her thoughts were about this and she was equally curious...I haven't 
had much success with Google.  Personally, I would like to find a dedicated 
database to that purpose, either Jewish or secular.  Of course, there is 
the issue of intellectual property rights as well.  I welcome any 
information people might have on this subject.

Stephanie Gross
Electronic Reserves
Pollack Library
Yeshiva University
500 West 185th Street
New York NY 10033
T:  212.960.5442
F:  212.960.0066

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