Call for Papers

International Conference

Yiddish Culture in the Postwar Era in Communist Countries

Krakow 6-8 November 2006

     The Department of Jewish Studies at Jagiellonian University in Krakow,
Poland, in cooperation with the School of Jewish Studies at University in
Potsdam, Germany, invites to the international conference which will be held
in Krakow on November 6-8, 2006.

         The theme of the conference is "Yiddish Culture in the Postwar Era in
Communist Countries".

         The small number of Jewish survirors from the Central and 
Eastern Europe
which decided to stay after the Second World War in one of the communist
countries made their effort to revive Yiddish culture, although the circle
of Jewish audience had been continually shrinking. This era in the history
of Yiddish language, literature, theatre still needs to be discovered. We
are interested in the research which embrace following aspects:
- the circumstances in which Yiddish culture developed;
- the existence of different cultural institutions (supporting its
development) like Yiddish publishing houses, Yiddish theatres, Yiddish
schools, Yiddish cultural clubs, etc.;
- the support which Yiddish institutions received from the circles of
Yiddish communists in abroad (i.e. from France, the USA, Argentina);
- Stalinist's crimes against Yiddish culture in the USSR and other Communist
countries after the WW II;
- the renewal of Yiddish literature and culture after Stalin's death and
later on ;
- Yiddish printing - its kind and size;
- impact of Communism on literature itself: limitation and possibilities of
its development, interference of the censorship, main motifs present in
literature of that time;
- Holocaust in Yiddish literature of that time;
- impact of Communism on Yiddish language;
- Yiddish writers' discussion with Stalinism and Communism itself after
leaving their communist "homelands" ;
and others.
         The Call for Papers is directed to scholars (historians of 
literature and
critics of literature, historians, sociologists, and so on), who are
interested in the subject and would like to deliver their paper at the
         The languages of the conference are English and Polish. 
Presenters are asked
to prepare lecture for no longer than 20 minutes (+ 10 minutes for
discussion). We are making efforts to gather funds in order to cover all
accommodation expenses. Conference proceedings are to be published in
English and in Polish.
         All interested in participation are asked to send proposals 
of papers with
the title and 300-word abstract in English or in Polish until February 28,
2006. The Organizing Committee of the Conference will announce the list of
the presenters until March 31, 2006.

Organizing Committee:

Magdalena Ruta, Department of Jewish Studies at Jagiellonian University in
Krakow, Poland
Elvira Groezinger, Department of Jewish Studies at University Potsdam,

For more information contact:

Department of Jewish Studies, Jagiellonian University
(Katedra Judaistyki Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego)
ul. Batorego 12
31-135 Krakow
tel. 0048 12 633 50 78
fax: 0048 12 634 45 93
Dr Magdalena Ruta: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Noemi Bazanowska: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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