Dear AJL Members,

Because of recent changes to the legal status of AJL, and to improve
the way our organization functions, we need to update the
AJL Constitution and Bylaws. After much work and long debate, the
Constitution and Bylaws Committee is presenting for your approval
a revised version of the AJL Constitution and Bylaws.   The revised
document was approved by the AJL Executive Board and the AJL Council
at the Midwinter meeting, Jan. 8-9, 2006.  It now needs to be ratified by
the membership.

Information on the proposed changes can be found on the AJL
website ( under "About AJL."
The current version (last revised in 1998), the new proposed version,
and an explanation of the major changes can all be found there.
Many thanks to our webmaster, Nancy Sack, for her quick work
in posting this information.

In addition,  the forthcoming issue of the AJL Newsletter will print the
proposed constitutional revision and the explanation of the changes.
Due to space limitations, however, the 1998 constitution is only available on
the website. Anyone who is unable to access it, please contact me, and
I'll be happy to send it to you in a different format.

Every current member should receive in the mail a printed copy of the
proposed constitution and a ballot.  Please read it carefully and mail your
vote by the deadline, which is printed on the ballot.  If you have 
any questions,
please feel free to contact me.

The Constitution and By-Laws Committee consists of Ronda Rose, AJL President;
Suzi Dubin, Recording Secretary; and Joy Kingsolver, Parliamentarian.
In addition, valuable contributions were made by Pearl Berger, Past President;
Toby Rossner, Chapter Relations Chair;  and many other Board and Council

Respectfully submitted,
Joy Kingsolver
AJL Parliamentarian

Joy Kingsolver, C.A.
Director, Chicago Jewish Archives
Spertus Institute of Jewish Studies
618 South Michigan Ave.
Chicago IL  60605

fax 312-922-0455

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