birthright trip
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Help eligible young adults find out about a Birthright Israel trip with a
focus on literature, journalism and writing.

Marga Hirsch
Library/Media Specialist
Perelman Jewish Day School
Stern Center - Wynnewood, PA
Forman Center - Melrose Park, PA

-----Original Message-----
From: Miryam Pomerantz
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2006 5:17 PM

As you may know, the Jewish Book Council runs many projects, in addition to
scheduling author events at Jewish book festival through the Jewish Book
NETWORK. This spring, we are launching a new project, unlike any of our
current ones, but also dedicated
to the promotion of Jewish literature and writing and its legacy.

In May, the Jewish Book Council will co-sponsor, with the Mayanot Institute,
the first "Israel in Print" birthright israel trip. The birthright israel
program offers Jewish 18-26 year olds--who have not previously been on an
organized, peer trip--a free
10-day trip to Israel to experience the country, learn about the history and
culture, and just generally have an amazing, fun, whirlwind tour of Israel
with their peers.

Recently, "special interest" birthright trips have been forming, trips that
tailor their itinieraries and gather a group of participants with a similar
focus. This new "Israel in Print" is a focused on literature, journalism,
and writing. It will include
all of the standard elements of a birthright israel trip--like swimming in
the Dead Sea, hiking Masada, taking jeep rides in the desert, visiting
Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Tiberias, and Sfat--along with special activities. The
partnership between Mayanot and
Jewish Book Council will allow participants to see an Israel that most
visitors never do - by meeting with Israel's most famous authors and
journalists, respected, award-winning writers as well as the hottest
up-and-coming young talent.

We're very excited about this trip, but it's brand-new, and no one knows
about it. Please help us spread the word. If you know of any Jewish 18-26
year old--students, grad students, friends--who is eligible for this trip
and is interested in literature
and journalism, please ask them to contact our office or visit The trip is tentatively scheduled for the end of
May, after most  universities are done for the year.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. We do have
informational postcards that we could send to you to distribute, if you are

Thanks so much,

Miri Pomerantz

Jewish Book Council
15 E. 26th Street
New York, NY 10010
(212) 786-5157
fax: (212) 481-4174

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