Hayim, Ted, Bernard, et al.,

I'm perhaps the wrong person to be addressing your concerns, as I was 
unable to attend the recent meeting at which the revisions to the AJL 
constitution were discussed. But as no other response has yet 
appeared on the list, I'll clarify as much as I'm able to.

PDF files of the current constitution and the proposed draft 
constitution (with highlights of the changes) as well as a summary 
and a detailed description of the proposed changes can all be 
accessed on the AJL web at 

The AJL executive board is composed of the elected officers of the 
two divisions (each with a president, vice-president and secretary) 
and of the association as a whole (president, 
vice-president/president-elect, immediate past-president, 
vice-president for membership, vice-president for publications, 
recording secretary, corresponding secretary, and treasurer).

The Webmaster, the various editors, the listowner of Hasafran, 
chapter representatives, et al. serve with the board on the 
association's council. (All this is described in the current 
constitution and is clarified, but not changed, in the revised draft.)

With one exception, the changes in the proposed draft constitution 
are not substantive, but merely clarify and formalize existing 
practices. The exception is the addition of a provision for 
electronic balloting. Electronic balloting was discussed last June at 
the members' meeting,
but's possible that more discussion of this topic is needed before an 
informed decision can be made.

I hope that helps.

Nancy Sack
(Webmaster and, therefore, council member)

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the AJL
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