To all members of AJL --

Is it time to remind everyone that this is a volunteer organization and
the  Board & Council are composed of hard working librarians, who  take on the
time-consuming burden of managing AJL without any financial 
remuneration and without
any dreams of glory, either?  It's difficult enough to find members who are
willing to take on the burdens of Board membership and it will soon be
impossible if officers are now going to be subject to castigating
e-mails from others who view any mistakes as usurpation of power.

The old and new forms of the constitution were posted on the website
about the same time members received the notification of changes. All 
changes are
marked in color. These changes are really mostly in the nature of
"housekeeping."  Several different board members have addressed your
questions via HaSafran, several times by now.

Yes, the Board should have let members know a few months ago that they
were  considering updating the constitution and should have included a little
more information in the mailing. Yes, an official response to questions
should have been posted more speedily on HaSafran. This is hardly
criminal neglect.

Let's vote to clean up these few issues in the constitution and move on
to other issues.

Merrily Hart
Siegal College,
Cleveland Ohio

(a former officer of AJL who is no longer on Council)

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