cat. #416: March 2006
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Dear safranim,

We have the pleasure to offer you, free of charge, the new PDF format of our
  catalogue "Recent Books From Israel"
No. 416, March 2006 (Adar 5766).
You may forward it to those likely to be interested and inspired by it.

You will find 742 new titles in three files: one of the Hebrew 
general titles - 416-h-$-general (30 pages), another file (34 pages) 
of the Hebrew religious and Judaica (416-H-$-kodesh) titles (this a 
new service, as we have obtained the clients of the firm BEN-ARZA 
that are now with us) and one of the non-Hebrew tiltes - 416-NH-$ 
(English, French, German, Russian, Arabic, Yiddish, Spanish etc., 10 pages).

You will be able to see the Hebrew text, in Hebrew fonts, on any 
computer, and you may also print the entire catalogue or parts of it, 
according to your domains of interest. We suggest nevertheless that 
you print it out, as it will be much clearer in a printed version 
than on the screen.

We can also add our own publishing house Judaic books, and a selected 
list of titles. Upon your require, we can send a full list (about 1000 titles).

New: many of those books are available with their cover picture in 
our web (<>  You may use 
our web to find ALL books and periodicals from Israel.

We hope you will enjoy this new selection of Israeli books and we are 
here in Jerusalem, ready to receive and execute your book orders for 
you. If you have a special request or any inquieries please do not 
hesitate to write or e-mail us.

Shabbat Shalom and have a happy Purim,

Oren Mass
Manager of Rubin Mass Ltd., Jerusalem

RUBIN MASS Ltd., Publishers and Booksellers
Exporters of ALL Israeli books and periodicals
POBox 990,  Jerusalem 91009, Israel
  Mr. Oren Mass (Manager)
  \    /   \/\
   \_/   / _ \

Tel. 972-2-6277863
Fax  972-2-6277864

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