From: "Rachel Steiner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: new book "Faith and Heresy"

From: "Mark Steiner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Emune un Apikorses
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I don't know if this list is aware of the recent publication, by Yeshiva
University Press, of my translation of what is perhaps the only original
philosophical work ever written in Yiddish (of course there is a huge
Yiddish literature about other philosophers, such as Marx).  The author, a
Lithuanian "iluy" from the yeshiva world, emigrated to the United States in
1929.  Supporting himself by giving lessons in gemore to children, not
having a family himself, he spent long hours in his niche at the New York
Public Library, pondering philosophical issues.  Usually autodidacts in
philosophy produce nothing of value; in this case, the results have been
praised by one of the most prominent philosophers in the English speaking
world, Harry Frankfurt of Princeton.

Before his untimely death in 1953, Agushewitz published three philosophical
works in Yiddish: "Ancient Greek Philosophy"; "Principles [of Philosophy]";
"Faith and Heresy," the current work.  The book is a sustained attack on the
influential philosophy of materalism, ancient and modern.  It contains
discussions and criticisms of a startling number of philosophers, including
Democritus, Herakleitos, Plato, Descartes, Kant, Hobbes, Russell, Cantor
[!], Zeno, Bergson, Buechner, and, of course Spinoza.  It contains a
discussion of Free Will, which is one of the most interesting ever written
in any language.  (This chapter was published in the Torah U-madda Journal,
and is accessible through the website  The Spinoza chapter was
published in an international Spinoza journal.)

I am the translator, and have no financial interest in sales of this book,
but it is intended as a memorial to Rabbi Agushewitz, a figure unjustly
forgotten by lovers of Yiddish literature, by philosophers, and religious
thinkers.  In that sense, I have an interest that this goal be achieved.


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