From: "Stuart Schnee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I am pleased to notify you that Faranak Margolese,  who will be visiting 
North America to speak about her new book entitled Off the Derech: Why 
Observant Jews Leave Judaism.  She will be visiting the Southern California 
and the NY metro area.

This book looks at the phenomenon of Orthodox Jews leaving Jewish religious 
observance. Based on over 500 interviews with formerly Orthodox Jews as 
well as educators and Rabbis the book offers a fascinating look at a trend 
which is not often looked at publicly.  It is a ground breaking book and 
pre-pub reactions have been overwhelmingly positive. A press release is 

Rabbi Hershel Schachter, after reading Off the Derech: Why Observant Jews 
Leave Judaism, wrote: "The Rabbis of the Talmud understood that included in 
our mitzvah to love G-d is to act and to speak in such a way as to get 
others to love G-d as well. This fascinating book can serve as a Mussar 
Sefer for all observant Jews regarding how to act and to speak in such a 
way as not to turn others away from religious observance."

Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski submitted this take: "Off the Derech is an eye 
opener. Thousands of years ago, the prophet Isaiah
said, 'Surely you see, but you fail to know.... The heart of this nation is 
fattened, its ears are heavy and its eyes are sealed (6:9-10).' We are 
losing too many of our youth. It is high time that we open our eyes, see, 
and know. You may agree with Faranak Margolese or disagree, but Off the 
Derech cannot be ignored. It is mandatory reading."

Faranak Margolese, who is American and lives in Israel, will be in the US 
for limited speaking events in April, May and June. She is an articulate 
speaker and has received very positive responses from her audiences. She 
does not charge an honorarium to speak and all proceeds from book sales go 
to tzedakah.

Please contact me directly to discuss the possibility of having Ms. 
Margolese in your community.

thank you,

Stuart Schnee
Public Relations, Marketing & Sales

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