Not to besmirch the reputation of a man who did defy the generals of the
Junta, but Timmerman was persecuted because he was a gad-fly; his being
Jewish was incidental. Once he was released, he was welcomed to Israel
as a poster boy for Jewish suffering. But he turned on his hosts when
he championed the rights of the Palestinians. Once a gad-fly, always a
gad-fly. He used his Jewishness when it served him

Timmerman was able to survive prison because he was an internationally
known journalist and the generals knew that people outside Argentina
were watching. He was hardly a desaprecido. If he ever claimed he was,
it was for mercenary ends.

Los Desaparecidos were ordinary citizens trying to live their ordinary
lives, and they had no protectors, as Timmerman did. They are genuine
heros whose entire story will never be told.

Ha-Safran (The Librarian)
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