To chime in on this, simulation experiments are highly problematic to
say the least.  The context of Jewish identity, removed from history,
thousands of years of civilization, culture, learning - summarily
distilled into a symbol on a garment is a disservice to the whole
enterprise.  Yes, the Nazis and their allies implemented this with
vitriol and nefarious purpose.  That happened to people who, by and
large knew they were Jews and had some sense of history.  To simply
impose the identity and it's most negative connotation upon an
unsuspecting child is really not fair or wise.  The yoke of the
mitzvot are a burden.  A service we do for the most high because the
alternative is to be a slave to garbage.  It is customary to strongly 
dissuade a
potential convert to Judaism on three separate occasions; to create an
awareness that this isn't fun and games.  What then is the utility of
imposing this superficially as a label and then using that as a means
to teach about disenfranchisement, divorced from the experience of what
it means to actually be a Jew? It's wacky.

Chaim Singer-Frankes
Associate Director of Special Projects
Shoah Foundation Institute for Visual History and Education
College of Letters, Arts & Sciences
Leavey Library
University of Southern California
650 W. 35th Street, Suite 114
Los Angeles, CA 90089-2571

Phone: 213-740-6028
Fax: 213-740-6044

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