Somehow I missed the earlier posting and could not locate it in the

When I was national president (1982-1984) the question arose of our
relationship with/to the Church and Synagogue Library Association.

This is what I recall - -

Mae Weine (of blessed memory) told me that many years back, several
persons organizing libraries at their churches contacted her because of
her experience and expertise.

The upshot what the creation of this church library association,
paralleling AJL.

They asked Mae about including synagogues in their organization, lest it
appear exclusive. Her reply was that they were free to do so, but AJL
existed for just this purpose.

Over the years I have encountered only one or two synagogue librarians
who were members of the Church and Synagogue Library Association; they
were always members of AJL, I hasten to add.

It makes sense, for before we became computerized and digitized, sharing
information was not as easy. And for a synagogue library in an area
remote from other synagogue libraries, many of the same questions and
problems that arose in the neighboring church libraries made it
practical to work together with them.

Back when I was president, Mae Weine (who was a member of the Church and
Synagogue Library Association) approached them and asked if there might
be areas in which they and we could work together. There was never a
clear reply because no one wanted to say "no," because each felt it was
serving its members and constituency adequately.

I hope this anecdotal evidence is helpful.

Shabbat shalom - and a Joyful Passover

Phil Miller

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