Please join us for a breakfast program-film and speaker

What: Film: The Last Jews of Baghdad : End of an Exile, Beginning of 
a Journey. A new film by Carole Basri, Adriana Davis, and Bryan Durr

When: Monday, May 22, 2005 at 9:30 AM

Where: JCC of Greater Washington, 6125 Montrose Road, Rockville, MD

Breakfast at 9:30, Program at 10:15 in the Social Hall

Using a combination of archival footage and personal interviews, this 
unique film tells about the struggle of the last Jews of Baghdad to 
survive. Co-filmmaker Carole Basri will introduce the film and be 
available for questions and answers following the screening.

$18 NA'AMAT/JCCGW Member     $20 General Public
Mail checks to  :
Washington Council NA'AMAT
1370 Lamberton Drive, Silver Spring MD 20902
Tickets also available at the door

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