The 26th Annual Conference of the International Association of Jewish 
Genealogical Societies will feature some
exciting academic lectures. Among them are two talks by Hasia Diner, 
the Paul and Sylvia Steinberg Professor
of American Jewish History at New York University.  Professor Diner 
will talk about the history of the Lower
East Side as well as the history of Jewish women in America.

A totally new topic for an IAJGS conference is Geographic Information 
Systems (GIS). Philippe Amstislavski, an
environmental planner and architect at the Environmental Simulation 
Center, will discuss the use of GIS tools
to map Jewish roots worldwide.

A widespread phenomenon throughout Poland and Ukraine was Hasidism. 
Glenn Dynner, professor of Judaic Studies
at Sarah Lawrence College, will present a lecture entitled "New 
Material on the Rise of Hasidism." He will
show how materials in Polish archives on Hasidism and its leaders can 
be a valuable resource for the

We are very fortunate to have several lectures and a musical 
performance by Joel Rubin, lecturer and
ethnomusicologist at several universities in upstate New York. Mr. 
Rubin directs the Cornell and Syracuse
universities klezmer ensembles. He will give two lectures on the 
genealogy of klezmer music and Jewish music
in America as well as performing with his musical partner Pete Rushefsky.

For a complete list of lectures, visit We look forward to
seeing you all in New York in August.

Debra Braverman
26th Annual IAJGS Conference Program Committee


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