Dear AJS Member,
  The Association for Jewish Studies and the American Academy for Jewish
  Research have issued the following press release in response to the
  British National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher
  Education's proposed boycott of Israeli universities, professors, and
  researchers.  Further information about the proposed boycott can be
  found on the AJS website at <>.
  We encourage you to share this press release with your colleagues and
  local institutions.  Thank you.

  Judith R. Baskin
  Association for Jewish Studies

  Paula Hyman,
  American Academy for Jewish Research


  Rona Sheramy
  Executive Director
  Association for Jewish Studies
  Phone: 917.606.8249
  Fax: 917.606.8222
  Web: <>

  Jewish Studies Scholars Protest British Teachers Union Proposed
  Boycott of Israeli Universities and Academics

  The American Academy for Jewish Research, the oldest body of North
  American scholars of Jewish studies, and the Association for Jewish
  Studies, the learned society of academic Jewish studies, urges the
  membership of the British National Association of Teachers in Further
  and Higher Education to reject the proposal to boycott Israeli
  universities and Israeli scholars and researchers who do not publicly
  oppose specific governmental policies that the NATFHE opposes.  The
  proposed boycott is an egregious assault on academic freedom.
  Academics have an obligation to support the free exchange of ideas and
  to participate in international dialogue, not to shun and restrain
  them. Israeli universities are an important source of the robust
  discussion and critical evaluation of governmental policy that
  characterize Israeli society.  It is indeed ironic and offensive, in a
  world where many governments muzzle their faculties, and academic
  freedom is rare, that NATFHE should focus solely on Israeli
  universities, which have maintained academic freedom and diverse
  student and faculty communities under difficult circumstances. It is
  also distressing that in a world where, sadly, war and the killing of
  civilians are far too common only one country is singled out for

  We stand in solidarity with our fellow Israeli academics and are
  confident that the NATFHE proposed boycott will be understood
  internationally to reflect less upon the reality of Israeli
  universities than upon the politicization of certain leaders of the
  British academic community. We call on academics throughout the world
  to condemn the NATFHE proposal and reject the union's political
  exploitation of the Middle East crisis for narrow political ends.

  For additional information, contact the Association for Jewish Studies
  at [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 917.606.8249, or see the
  AJS website at <>.

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