Thanks for the following donations that have recently been made to 
the AJL Scholarship Fund:

In honor of the marriage of Liza Stabler's daughter, Carolyn Aviva 
Schaeffer, to Scott Lewis: by Rita Lifton and Sara Spiegel

In memory of Evelyn Lebowitz, mother of Shelly Feit: by Ronda Rose 
and the AJL membership

Your ongoing donations help aspiring Judaica librarians receive their 
professional MLS degrees. Send future donations to me at the address below.

Debbie Stern, Library Director
Mordecai M. Kaplan Library
Reconstructionist Rabbinical College
1299 Church Road
Wyncote, PA 19095
phone: 215-576-0800 ext. 234 fax: 215 576-6143

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the AJL
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