closing sale - Last Notice
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Shalom - There are a few more days left to place your order.

The Kest-Leibowitz Library was founded in Jerusalem 15 years by Rav 
Yehuda Leibowitz as an expression of his tremendous "Ahavat Sefer" 
(love of Jewish books). In this short period he reprinted more than 
1000 rare books and many original works in inexpensive hardcover or 
pocket editions. Not only did he revive many important and classic 
works in Jewish scholarship but he also made these available at cost 
price to the general public.

Rav Yehuda Z'l passed away three years ago and sadly there is no one 
to continue his lifework. A portion of the very large stock of tens 
of thousands of volumes was sold this month at a public sale in 
Jerusalem and the remaining stock will be liquidated shortly. This is 
the LAST CHANCE to buy these books at these low prices !

A minimum order is 100 shekels for all orders.
All purchases must be via credit card.
All orders should be submitted before Shavuot. Deliveries will begin June 15.
JAP Members must add a collation/handling/shipping charge of only 25 
shekels per package.
Non-members must add a collation/handling/shipping charge of 125 
shekels per package .

Please go to <> to 
view the catalog online.

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receive more than one copy.

VirtualGeula - A Service of the Judaica Archival Project
<> or 
Fax 972-2-5710306 Tel 972-544-990379
POB 45281 Jerusalem Israel

J. Rosenes
Judaica Archival Project
fax 1-805-9263137

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