Dear Colleagues,

Does the task of weeding ever end (a rhetorical question if I've ever 
seen one).  I have attached a list of pamphlets/journals/other 
materials in English, a few books in English, and some books in 
Yiddish and Hebrew that are available for the cost of postage.  I am 
not a professional librarian, and ask your indulgence should you find 
this list filled with things I should have discarded without 
bothering you.  On the other hand, one person's trash. . .


Ellie Shore
Congregation Emanu-El
Wichita, KS.

Books and other printed materials
Congregation Emanu-El, Wichita, KS.

Books in Hebrew and/or Yiddish (Please note:  some translations of 
titles and authors' names are approximate)

This is the Land.  Published in 1958 by The Jewish Agency.  LC 
catalogue #58-8147.  Printed in U.S.A by Shulsinger Bros. Linotyping 
and Publishing.  Introduction in Yiddish; text in Hebrew.

Maurice Schwartz and the Yiddish Art Theatre, by A. H. Bialin 
(1934).  N.J.:  Posy-Shoulson Press.  In Yiddish.

Chronicles of the Nephites. (1988).  In Hebrew.  Published by Hebrew 
Translations, Inc., Independence, MO.  Nephite is a term used in the 
Mormon religion.

Mr. Veledek (1935).  In Yiddish.  Published in New York.

Days with Frog and Toad, by Arnold Lobel (1979; trans. 
1982).  Children's book, in Hebrew.  Printed in Israel.

Prose and Poetry, by Rose Kagno (1961).  In Yiddish.  Printed by 
Grenich Printing, NY.

Poor but Happy, by Sholem Alecheim (1918).  In Yiddish.  Copyright by 
Olga Rabinowitz, NY.

Mottel. . . his life in America, by Sholem Alechem (1920).  In 
Yiddish.  Copyright by Olga Rabinowitz, NY.

Works by Abraham Reisen (1918).  In Yiddish.  Copyright by Jewish 
Book Agency, Inc.

Hebrew grammar book.  Published in 1877.  Printed in Warsaw.

Soviet Jewry, Past and Present, by Yakov Lashzinski.  In Yiddish. 
Copyright 1941 by Central Committee, Poale Zion-Zeire Zion through 
the Farlag "Yiddisher Kemfer"

Yivo Bleter: Journal of the Yiddish Scientific Institute.  Volume 
XXXI - XXXII.  1948. NY With abstracts in English.

The House of Israel, by Rabbi Israel Meir Hacohen (the Hafetz 
Hayim).  N.Y.:  Torath Chofetz Chaim Publications.  Published by the 
author's son, Rabbi Aaron Kagan.  In Hebrew and English (side by side).

Last half of the Bible, from Isaiah on.  In Hebrew and Yiddish, side 
by side.  Copyright 1941, Yehoash Farlag Gezelshaft.  Printed in the U.S.A.

Sholem Asch and the Christmas Tree, by Chaim Lieberman. In 
Yiddish.  Published by OM Publishing Co, New York.

Der Vilner Goan: A Historical Novel, by Peisach Markus.  In 
Yiddish.  NY: OM Publishing Co., 1952.  Contains a carbon copy of a 
letter to the author from Isador Molk, thanking him for the book and 
discussing a failed visit and the health of Markus's brother.

A Bridge Over the Atlantic, by Peisach Markus.  In Yiddish.  NY:  I. 
Biderman, 1932.

In the Yoke, by Dr. Kazansky.  NY:  1935

Rambam:  His Life and Work, by Dr. R. Ginsberg.  NY:  Forward, 
1935.  In Yiddish.

Where do we go?  Jewish change from then to today, by Yakov 
Lashzinski.  NY:  Yiddish Arbeiter Press, 1944.  In Yiddish.

Psalms.  Large print. Hebrew Publishing Company (no date).

Tzu Gezunt un Tzu Lebn: For Health and Life, by Dr. Jacob B. 
Glenn.  In Yiddish.  NY: Shulsinger Bros., 1967.

The Ruins of Lithuania: A Chronicle of the Destruction of the Sacred 
Jewish Communities of Lithuania, 1941-1945, by Rabbi Ephraim 
Oshry.  NY: Modern Linotype, 1951.  In Yiddish.

Form of Service for the Two First Nights of the Feast of 
Passover.  Illustrated.  NY: Hebrew Publishing Co., 1859 (last number 
unclear).  In Hebrew and English.

Story of Esther.  In Hebrew, in pamphlet form.  NY:  Hebrew 
Publishing Co., no date.  Stamped: USO and JWB.  "Distributed to 
members of the Jewish faith in the armed forces of the United States. . . "

Books in English

The Works of Flavius Josephus.  In 
English.  Illustrated.  Philadelphia: Henry T. Coates (no date).  In 
poor condition.

Theodor Herzl: A Memorial.  Edited by Meyer W. Weisgal.  Copyright 
1929 by The New Palestine, official organ of the Zionist Organization 
of America, on the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the 
death of Theodor Herzl.

Holidays and Festivals, prepared by Rabbi Charles B. Chavel, 
PhD.  NY: Shulsinger Bros., 1956.

Report on Israel, by Irwin Shaw and Robert Capa.  NY:  Simon and 
Schuster, 1950.

Jerusalem Through the Ages (Baker Studies in Biblical Archaeology), 
by Charles F. Pfeiffer.  Grand Rapids, Michigan:  Baker Book House, 1967.
Pamphlets and other printed materials

What is Orthodox Judaism.  pamphlet published by the Youth Division 
of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America and the 
National Conference of Synagogue Youth.  NY: 1968.

Soviet Military Power (1983).  Department of Defense.  Published by 
the U.S. Government, Superintendent of Documents.

The Oppression of the Jewish Religion in the "Jewish" State of 
Israel.  Published by Mechon Hayahadus Hacharedis (Institution of 
Religious Jewry), Jerusalem (no date).  Distributed by the Committee 
to Safeguard Religious Jews in Israel, NY and Montreal.
Real Enemy of the Arab People.  Reprint from The Jerusalem Post, 
January 8, 1969.

Why Be a Jew?, by Rabbi Meir Kahane.  Reprint from Judaica Book News, 
Spring/Summer 1978.

"Kahane" The Magazine of the Authentic Jewish Idea.  Five issues: 
March-Apr, 1987; May-June, 1987; Sept-Oct, 1987; Nov-Dec, 1987; Jan-Feb, 1987.

Leviathan: A Journal of Middle East Politics and Culture.  Spring, 
1978.; Fall, 1980.

The Yiddish Folksong: An Illustrated Lecture, by Ruth Rubin.  NY: 
Jewish Music Council of the National Jewish Welfare Board, 1974.

The Moral Legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr., by Rabbi Marc H. 
Tanenbaum.  NY: The American Jewish Committee.  Based on an address 
given in 1980.

Independent Filmmakers: Looking at Ourselves.  A Guide to Films 
Featured in the Jewish Film Festival.  Edited by Deborah Kaufman & 
Janis Plotkin.  Berkeley, CA: The Jewish Film Festival, 1986.

The Story of the Tabernacle and the Temples of Jerusalem, as 
illustrated by The Famous Dr. Schick Models.  Jerusalem & NY: Veter & 
Company, The American Colony Stores, 1924.

The American Synagogue in the Nienteenth Century, from the collection 
of William A. Rosenthall.  1982, American Jewish Archives.

 From "Laybe-Layzar's Courtyard": A story for the High Holidays, by 
Chaim Grade.  Reprint from Moment, June, 1982.

The Legacy of the Prophets, by Rabbi Raphael H. Levine.   Reprint 
from The Jewish Layman, January, 1948.

Keeping Posted.  Volume XXVI, no. 4, January, 1981, and Volume XXVII, 
no. 5, March, 1983.

Rehovot.  Published by the Weizmann Institute of Science and Yad 
Chaim Weizmann. Volume 9, no. 2, 1981/1982.

Directions presents Conscience of America: Elie Wiesel - One 
Generation After.  Transcript of an ABC Television broadcast, 
November 14, 1976.

Toledot: The Journal of Jewish Genealogy.  Issues: Fall, 1977; 
Winter, 1977-78; Spring, 1978; Summer, 1978; Fall, 1978; Winter 
1978-79; Spring, 1979; Summer, 1979.

G-D and The Jew After Auschwitz. North Woodmere, NY: Hineni Publications, 1974.

Forthcoming: Jewish Imaginative Writing.  Issues: Fall/Winter, 
1983/4; Spring, 1984.

Mount Gerizim: The One True Sanctuary, by Cohen Amram Isaac, High 
Priest of the Samaritan Community.  Jerusalem: Greek Convent Press.

Search for Peace in the Middle East.  Philadelphia: American Friends 
Service Committee, 1970.

Truth and Peace in the Middle East: A Critical Analysis of the Quaker 
Report, by Arnold M. Soloway, with Edwin Weiss and Gerald 
Caplan.  1971.  Friendly House Publishers, for the AJC and the 
Anti-Defamation League.

Secure and Recognized Boundaries: Israel's Right to Live in Peace 
within Defensible Frontiers.  Jerusalem: Carta, 1971.

Sinai: Background Paper.  Jerusalem: Carta, 1974.

The Gaza Strip: Background Paper.  Jerusalem: Carta, 1974.

Golan Heights: Background Paper.  Jerusalem: Carta, 1974.

Judea and Samaria: Background Paper.  Jerusalem: Carta, 1974.

21 Frontier Towns Issued by the UJA in cooperation with the Jewish 
Agency for Israel.  No date.

Israel, Zionism, and the American Jew, by Rabbi Jack J. 
Cohen.  Judaism Pamphlet Series, published by B'nai B'rith Youth 
Organization, 1967.

Religious Objects Construction Book.  NY: "KTAV" Publishing House, 1953.

"Persecution - Jewish and Christian" and "Let Us Consider the Record" 
by Rev. Chas. E. Coughlin.  (Apparently a reprint of sermons given 
on) Sunday, November 20 and 27, 1938.

ABC's of Scapegoating, by Gordon W. Allport (Freedom Pamphlets).  NY: 
Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, 1966 (5th edition).

Women's Lib: A Jewish View. . ., by Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis.  North 
Woodmere, NY: Hineni Publications, 1974.

Your Bar Mitzvah, by B. Efron and A. D. Rubin.  NY: HUAC, 1963.

Dor LeDor: Our Biblical Heritage.  Volume XIII, no. 4, Summer, 1985.

Introduction to the Bible, by Abraham Segal.  NY: UAHC, 1966.

Our Biblical Heritage, prepared by Walter Jacob, D.H.L.  NY: UAHC, 1950.

Newsview: The Israel Weekly Newsmagazine.  October 13, 1981.

The Arab "Lobby" in the U.S. - I: Friends and Agents Issue of Facts, 
November, 1978.  Published by the Anti-Defamation League.

Embassy News Vol. 3, no. 2, May, 1979.  Issue on Israel's 31st Anniversary.

Not the Work of a Day: The Story of the Anti-Defamation League of 
B'nai B'rith.  NY: Anti-Defamation League, 1965.  Two copies.

Catalog - The Charles E. Feinberg Collection of Valuable 
Judaica.  NY:  Parke-Bernet Galleries, 1967.
Danzig 1939: Treasures of a Destroyed Community.  NY: The Jewish Museum, 1980.

'Atiqot: Journal of the Israel Department of Antiquities.  Volume 1, 
1955.  Jerusalem.

The Story of the Jewish People.  "This is one in a series of Jewish 
informational pamphlets published for personnel of the Jewish faith 
in the Armed Forces of the United States by the National Jewish 
Welfare Board - a member agency of the United Services 
Organizations."  no date.

The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising:  A Resource for Programming, by Philip 
Goodman.  NY;  National Jewish Welfare Board, 1963.

The Holocaust.  Edited by Muki Tsur and Nathan Yanai for the 
Education Department of the American Zionist Youth Foundation.  no date.

Patterns of Minority Relations, by Raymond W. Mack and Troy S. 
Duster. Freedom Pamphlets.  NY  B'nai B'rith, 1964.

The Hadassah Idea:  History and Development, written by Gloria 
Goldreich Horowitz, coordinated and edited by Hannah Goldberg and 
Bernice Salpeter.  Autographed by Bernice Salpeter.  NY:  Hadassah, 1966.

Historic Confrontations between Jew and Arab (Hadassah Study 
Series).  Prepared by Dr. Joel L. Kraemer.  NY:  Hadassah, 1967.

Westminster Historical Maps of Bible Lands.  Edited by G. E. Wright & 
F. V. Filson.  Philadelphia:  Westminster Press, 1952.

The Conservative Movement in Judaism:  An Introduction, by Simon 
Greenberg.  National Academy for Adult Jewish Studies of the United 
Synagogue of America, 1955.

Better Than You:  Social Discrimination Against Minorities in 
America, by Terry Morris.  NY:  Institute of Human Relations Press, 1971.

Jewish Life  Volume III, no. 1, Summer-Fall, 1978.

Who is a Jew?  A Reader.  Compiled and edited by Rabbi Solomon S. 
Bernards.  NY:  Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith.  no date

Perspectives on Soviet Jewry.  Essays by N. Glazer, M. Decter, W. 
Korey, J. A. Armstrong, A. Inkeles, H. J. Morgenthau, M. Friedberg, 
P. Lendvai.  NY:  KTAV, 1971.

Jews in the Soviet Union  (Histadrut Round Table, 6)  NY:  American 
Histadrut Cultural Exchange Institute, 1971.

American Jews:  Their Story, by Oscar Handlin.  (The One Nation 
Library)  NY:  Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith.  no date.

Jews in Suburbia:  Tension and Unrest, by Albert I. Gordon.  A 
reprint of a chapter from "Jews in Suburbia."  NY: Anti-Defamation 
League of B'nai B'rith, 1959.

Jewish Heritage  Volume 15, no. 2, Winter, 1974.  Special issue on 
small town Jewry.

First Principles for American Jews, by Milton Steinberg.  Reprinted 
from "Contemporary Jewish Record,"  December, 1941.  NY: AJC.

Jews in America, by the Editors of Fortune.  Random-House.  no date, 
but probably around 1935.

Ethnicity in American Life, by John Hope Franklin, Thomas F. 
Pettigrew, Raymond W. Mack.  NY: Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, 1971.

Racially Separate or Together? by Thomas F. Pettigrew.  Reprinted by 
the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, from the Journal of 
Social Issues, vol XXV, no. 1, 1969.

U. S. Foreign Aid in the Near East and South Asia, Proposed Fiscal 
Year 1970 Program.  Agency for International Development.

The Jewish Exodus from the Arab Countries, and the Arab 
Refugees.  Jerusalem:  Israel Ministry for Foreign Affairs, 
Information Division, 1961.

The Union Home Study Magazine  Volume XIV, no. 9, May, 1922.  Issues 
monthly by the UAHC.

Jewish Holidays and Festivals, by Deborah Ross, Home Service 
Department, The B. Manischewitz Company.  USA:  B. Manischewitz Company, 1969.

A Day to Turn On, by Esther Jungreis.  North Woodmere, NY:  Hineni 
Publications.  no date.

Petahim:  Bi-monthly Journal of Jewish Thought  No. 4(14), September 1970.

The Living Heritage of the High Holy Days.  NY: Anti-Defamation 
League of B'nai B'rith, no date.

A Nation of Immigrants, by John F. Kennedy (One Nation Library)  NY: 
Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, no date, but JFK is described 
as a US Senator in his second term.

By-Laws of Council of Jewish Women and By-Laws for Sections.   As 
adopted at the Seventh Triennial Convention, New Orleans, December, 1914.

Your Neighbor Worships.  NY: Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, 5726?

The Other Jews:  Portraits in Poverty, by Dorothy 
Rabinowitz.  NY:  Institute of Human Relations Press, 1972.

The Sabbath (Judaism pamphlet series), by Dr. Ira 
Eisenstein.  Washington, DC:  B'nai B'rith Youth Organization, 1976.

Myths and Facts 1976: A Concise Record of the Arab-Israeli 
Conflict.  Washington, DC:  Near East Research, Inc., 1976.

Journey Into Light:  A Manual for the Mourner, by Rabbi Shubert 
Spero.  Cleveland:  The Spero Foundation, 1959.

The Rise of Israel and the Arab Confrontation (BBYO Judaism pamphlet 
series), by I. L. Kenen.  USA:  B'nai B'rith Youth Organization, no date.

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