Dear friends,

Our planning committee is working around the clock getting ready to 
welcome you to Cambridge!  We want to mention one tzedakah 
opportunity that may influence how you pack:

We will be collecting books to send to the Jewish libraries and 
schools damaged by Hurricane Katrina.  A container will be available 
in the registration area.  Our colleagues in Louisiana/Mississippi 
ask only that the books be titles published in the last two years, 
and in good condition, as these are the works that have the most 
value for them.

Also, please tell your Boston area friends that our exhibit area will 
be open to the public all three days. The hours are posted on the AJL website.

And, finally, thanks to Sheryl Stahl and Heidi Estrin,  we have a 
blog!  Check it out for daily updates and chatty tid-bits.  We are so 
cutting edge in 

N'siah tovah, to each of you!  See you soon!

Ann Abrams and Zellie Kaplan, Co-chairs
AJL Convention 2006 in Cambridge, MA, June 18 - 21

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