The most recent controversy over book banning was Rabbi Nosson 
Slifkin's books on Torah and science. The bans were published in 
newspapers in Israel and Europe in January of last year and the 
resulting controversy spilled over into the NY Times, Haaretz, The 
Scientist, Moment Magazine and elsewhere. You can learn more about 
this at the author's website: and on my 
blog: (see the links on the right side-bar about 
the Slifkin Ban).

This is actually still in the news, as this week's European Yated 
Neeman carried an article critiquing Rabbi Slifkin without mentioning 
his name, and word has it that the next issue of Agudath Israel of 
America's Jewish Observer magazine will also have a long article 
critiquing him (without mentioning his name). I'm aware that another 
major Jewish newspaper will be carrying a front page article about 
this within the next few months (that I may or may not be writing).

Rabbi Slifkin's book about evolution and the age of the universe has 
been completely revised and vastly expanded, and will be published 
next month under the title The Challenge of Creation. The book has a 
foreword written by Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb, executive vice 
president of the Orthodox Union. Rabbi Slifkin is in the US this 
summer and available for speaking opportunities. He can be reached at 

Disclaimer: My company Yashar Books distributed the books after they 
were banned and will be distributing the new book in the US.

Gil Student

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