"An Odyssey Of Survival" has been awarded Best Book in the category 
of Holocaust and Jewish Resistance Literature by the Jacob and Clara 
Egit Foundation of Toronto.

The author, Professor Michael Klein, accepted the award in Tel Aviv 
on June 15, 2006, where it was presented by the chairman of the 
Histadrut, the general federation of labor in Israel.

"An Odyssey of Survival" is published by Mazo Publishers and 
distributed by Ingram and Baker & Taylor in the US and Jerusalem 
Books in Israel.

Professor Klein, who received a cash prize for his work from the Egit 
Foundation, spoke after the presentation and gave a brief history of 
his survival in the concentration camps and the role that Oskar 
Schindler player in saving his life.  Professor Klein told how he 
arrived in the US, not speaking English, and how ,10 years later, he 
received his Ph.D in Physics from Cornell University.

In "An Odyssey of Survival", Professor Klein portrays the Jews' 
spiritual resistance to the Germans and their struggle to retain 
their faith and humanity in the shadow of death.  He then portrays 
his personal struggle back to a normal life, not only the struggle 
for health and an education, but also to reconcile the tension 
between the world of a Chassidic teenage boy and the experience of 
surviving the Nazi death camps.

Professor Klein lives in Jerusalem.

For further information about the book, contact the publisher, Chaim 

ISBN: 965-7344-06-9

Soft Cover, 208 pages, $16.95


In addition to Professor Klein, the Egit Foundation recognized four 
other authors.

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