Enrollment is open for new members to join the Jewish Library Association
Sagebrush Corp. Athena/Spectrum/Infocentre automation maintenance contract


"The Jewish Library Association Spectrum/Athena/Infocentre Maintenance
Group" is a Cooperative group of School, Synagogue, Jewish Center and Board
Jewish Education libraries who join together once a year to participate in a
Maintenance contract with the Sagebrush Corp. the company that provides the
Athena and Spectrum and Infocentre Library Automation programs. Being part
of this group of more than 50 Jewish libraries gives each member a 15%
discount on the maintenance fee.  Depending on the number of each library's
modules, the savings range from $60 to more than $100 per year.

In order to participate in this group the library must be able to have their
check for payment made out to and sent to my library, the Rabbi Marshall R.
Lifson Library, Temple Emanuel of Newton MA.

  Then my library writes out a check for the entire contract to Sagebrush
Corp.  Each library maintains their individual relationship with Sagebrush,
we only come together for the purposes of this one payment. No autonomy is
given up.

Group correspondence works only through EMAIL to libraries able to receive
attachments in WORD and EXCEL. There is a $5 membership fee per year to
cover bookkeeping costs borne by our library.

The mechanics of participating in the group are as follows:

1. Library signifies they wish to join.
2.  Library sends to me their Technical Support #.  This is the number you
give to Techincal support at Sagebrush whenever you telephone them with a
3.  In September of each year, I send Sagebrush a list of new members
joining .
4.  Sagebrush pro-rates each new library the first year in order to change
their contract year to January -December
5. Sagebrush sends me the Master Invoice by November of each year
6. I immediately email the master contract to each library with detailed
instructions about the check, our address and the timeline necessary for
sending the checks to me.
7. I keep the group informed by email as checks are received.
8. The last week in December my library issues a check for the entire fee to

If libraries are interested in joining after reading this description of our
purpose and workings they may contact me by EMAIL.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Helene Tuchman, Librarian
The Rabbi Marshall R. Lifson Library
Temple Emanuel of Newton
385 Ward Street
Newton Centre, MA 02459

Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual author
and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
Submissions for Ha-Safran, send to: Hasafran @ lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
SUBscribing, SIGNOFF commands send to: Listproc @ lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
Questions, problems, complaints, compliments;-) send to: galron.1 @ osu.edu
Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org

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