Library of Congress GLOBE and the Hebrew Language Table present a 
poetry reading by and conversation with Yermiyahu Ahron Taub, author 
of The Insatiable Psalm (Hershey, Pa.: Wind River Press, 2005), on 
Thursday, June 29, 2006, from 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m., Library of 
Congress, Madison Building, LM 139.  The reading is free and open to 
the public.

For more information, contact Maarja Vigorito at (202) 707-5893.
Request ASL and ADA accomodations five days in advance at (202) 
707-6362 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Steeped in Jewish tradition, The Insatiable Psalm explores the 
troubled but enduring love between a devout mother and her gay, 
increasingly less observant son. Written largely in English, the book 
includes one Yiddish poem (with English translation) and numerous 
Hebrew and Yiddish words and expressions.  More information is 
available via the web links below.

Taub, Yermiyahu Ahron.  The Insatiable Psalm : Poems.  Hershey, Pa. : 
Wind River Press, 2005. ISBN: 0972151389. 144 p. $14.00
1. Jews-Poetry. 2. Jewish families-Poetry. 3. Mothers and sons-Poetry.

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