Thanks, Sheryl & Heidi, for your lively descriptions and many photos 
of sessions, people and events at convention. I hated to miss the 
convention -- only the second time in 25 years that I didn't attend 
-- so I was especially appreciative of every word. We just need more 
people to post news -- maybe we'll all be better at it by next year!

Are there more pictures from convention ? Perhaps they could be 
posted on the blog or on our website to encourage and inform 
stay-at-homes. I look forward to reading the Proceedings online.

  I must admit I planned to put this message on the blog but no 
matter what personna I chose it refused to accept me. I guess I'll 
have to work on my blogging skills a little more.

Regards to all my friends & colleagues,
Merrily Hart
Siegal College

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