In response to the announced closing of the AMED reading room, and 
subsequent decision for it to remain open, the following letters were 
sent on behalf of AJL.

Laurel S. Wolfson, President
Association of Jewish Libraries
Klau Library
Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion
3101 Clifton Ave.
Cincinnati  OH  45220
phone: 513-487-3274
fax: 513-221-0519

October 25, 2006

Dr. James Billington
Librarian of Congress
Library of Congress
101 Independence Avenue SE
Washington  DC  20540-1000

Dr. Deanna Marcum
Associate Librarian for Library Services
Library of Congress
101 Independence Avenue SE
Washington  DC  20540-4000

Dr. Jeremy Adamson, Director
Collections & Services Directorate
Library of Congress
101 Independence Avenue SE
Washington  DC  20540-4800

Dear Dr. ________:

On behalf of the Association of Jewish Libraries [AJL], I am pleased 
to hear that the African and Middle Eastern Division reading room 
will remain open. AJL is an international organization of over 1,000 
members that promotes Jewish literacy through support of  libraries 
and library resources, and enhances professional opportunities and 
training for practitioners of Judaica librarianship. The AMED reading 
room is an invaluable resource for our members, the scholarly 
community, and interested lay persons; its possible closing was a 
matter of great concern.

Laurel S. Wolfson
President, AJL

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