Presented by MBRS and the Hebrew Language Table in cooperation with 
the Embassy of IsraelSpecial

Preview Featuring Clips of the Film
Followed by Q&A with Director Duki Dror
  Friday, November 17, 2006*12 Noon
The Library of Congress, Madison Building, Pickford Theater

Director, Duki Dror, born in Tel Aviv, educated at UCLA and Columbia 
College in Chicago, has been examining Israeli society, disassembling 
it with powerful stories triggered by cultural, political and ethnic 
dilemmas. His films are parables of identity in the 21st century's 
merging world. Among his recent award winning films: "Raging Dove" 
(2002), "Paradise Lost" (writer-producer) and "Mr. Cortisone, Happy 
Days" (2004).

Hoiami Nguyen never imagined that he would end up so far from his 
home village of Bong Son in central Vietnam. Political circumstances 
and the roulette of life have washed him to the shores of Israel. The 
penniless Vietnamese refugee became a father of 5 Hebrew speaking 
Israeli daughters. His daughter - Vaan, describes her parents' ordeal 
using a razor sharp language in her blog. She feels trapped in 
circles of identity which will never meet.Caught between her wild and 
stormy Israeli spirit and the expectations to be modest and obedient 
Vietnamese at home, there is unbridgeable abyss. When her father 
returns to his family in Vietnam, Van finds herself absorbed into his 
tragic story - a cruel tale of loss and survival. Hoimai's dream of 
return sends Vaan to look for a brighter future in the new-old 
country. She joins him in trying to reclaim the lands of the family, 
in the remote village at the heart of the Vietnamese jungle.

  For more information call Gail Shirazi 202-707-9897
   Program is free and open to the public

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