Phil Miller provides, as ever, an amazing role model for us who are 
in the same profession.  And, now there's just wishing to be able to 
attain the same level -- ever!

Liza Stabler

<<<<<A Most Memorable Reference Question
Having been a librarian for near to forty years I have learned that
most librarians who assist patrons with their reference questions
have at least one or two memorable stories they enjoy sharing. Some
are funny, some are poignant. They are the librarians’ “war stories.”
The incident I am about to relate occurred around 1976, when HUC-JIR
was still on West 68th Street. One Monday morning I answered the
telephone and was greeted by the voice of a young man who spoke
English with a mild Yiddish inflection at machine-gun speed. He did
not offer his name but asked point-blank,” What can you tell me about
the Sayfer Khenikh?.........>>>>>>

Elizabeth F. Stabler, Librarian
Congregation Emanu-El
1 East 65th Street
New York, NY 10021
212 744-1400
Fax: 212 570 0826

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