A few people asked me to provide a summary of my responses regarding 
the assessment of our collection.
So far, I have heard from booksellers, librarians, and 
consultants.  Advice I was given by one is not to rush to sell or 
give away anything - that the state of Washington is not rich in 
Judaica, compared to the East Coast, and a warning about the 
self-interest of some.

Another sent me some good questions to consider:  Do you have a 
mandate to reduce the size of the collection?  Do you have a list of 
important books in each of your core areas:  Judaica, Teacher & 
Curriculum, General?  Are there guidelines from the state that will help?

Another reminded me of the fickleness of book values.

No one mentioned consultant fees....

These responses were helpful for me in redefining and refining my 
reasons for wanting to evaluate the collection; and another reminder 
of how crucial this step is for developing a collection development 
policy and library planning.  Because I am a new librarian, and 
though Jewish, not a Judaica subject specialist, I especially 
appreciate AJL and its resources!

If I hear more tidbits worth passing on, I'll let the list 
know.  Thanks for all the support!

Toby Harris, Librarian
Temple De Hirsch Sinai
1522 E. Pike Street
Seattle, WA  98122
(206)315-7398 Seattle Library
(206)323-8486, Ext 7481 Bellevue Library

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