Content-type: message/rfc822

From: Yossi Galron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ha-Safran]: Castelnuovo-Tedesco
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Can someone help with the following problem:

A faculty member at our School of Music at The Ohio State University 
needs the scores for  Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco's Kol Nidrei.
He writes:  "It is a beautiful piece, it is written for cello and 
piano and it EXISTS because I have it on a CD performed by a certain 
Italian cellist named Vito Paternoster.  How do we find it?  I tried 
some internet searches, but got nowhere".   Do you think you might be 
able to locate this music?"

and he adds:

"I am also interested in locating "Chant Hebraique" by the same 
composer, Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco.  If you manage to find his Kol 
Nidrei, the "Chant Hebraique" should not be very far..."

I will appreciate any help that you can give us.

Thank you very much,

Yossi Galron
Ohio State University



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