The results are in!
The Jewish Publication Society was awarded the National Jewish Book 
Award in two categories and was selected as a finalist in two other 
categories. The only other publisher to win as many awards was Yale 
University Press.

Folktales of the Jews: Volume 1: Tales from the Sephardic Dispersion 
edited by Dan Ben-Amos was the Winner of the National Jewish Book 
Award in the category of Sephardic Culture. The first in a five 
volume series, this book was also named a Finalist in the Scholarship category.

Lilith's Ark: Teenage Tales of Biblical Women by Deborah Bodin Cohen 
was the Winner of the National Jewish Book Award in the category of 
Jewish Family Literature. The book was also recently recognized as a 
2007 Notable Book for Teens by the Association of Jewish Libraries 
(Sydney Taylor Awards).

The Jewish Book of Days: A Companion for All Seasons by Jill Hammer 
was named a Finalist in the category of Contemporary Jewish Life and Practice.

Arielle Levites
Jewish Publication Society
2100 Arch Street, 2nd Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19103
800-234-3151 x5601

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