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Announcement of a new film:

Dragoman Films is proud to present A TREASURE IN AUSCHWITS as its 
special recommendation for your upcoming Holocaust Memorial Day programming.

This inspiring acclaimed documentary tells to story of a young 
student, Yariv Nornberg, who hears from an elderly vendor in a 
rundown shop a fantastic story about a Jewish treasure buried in 
Polish soil. His curiosity is aroused when he learns of the location 
of the hiding place - next to the infamous Auschwitz extermination 
camp. During the next 5 years, Yariv pursues these lost religious 
artifacts, hidden in the grounds of the Great Synagogue in the city 
of Oswiecim (Auschwitz) in 1939. For him, these artifacts embody his 
own perished family and guide his attempt for a closure and 
acceptance of the Polish people, usually regarded by Jews as
collaborators and anti-Semites.

Yariv manages to organize a unique archaeological excavation to 
unearth the treasure. But as the digging progresses, it becomes 
apparent that the synagogue's soil conceals a 60-year-old sinister 
secret and Yariv and his crew begin to lose hope. Until one morning a 
shovel hits a metallic object in one of the ditches*.

The search and excavation for the treasure translates within the film 
to a succession of poignant metaphors - to the Jewish existence in 
Poland and its annihilation, to the possibility of a dialog between 
the younger generations, to the capacity of Nazi evilness embodied in 
the presence of the nearby death camp and above all - to the growing 
sentiment that only 60 years have gone by and already WW2 and it's 
greatest nightmare - the Holocaust - is tragically transforming into 
an archaeological exhibit*

Yariv Nornberg, Protagonist of the film, is available in the U.S. and 
Canada to present the film and speak about his journey.

For additional information & booking, please contact:
Ravit Turjeman, Dragoman Films
(718) 971-5857
Dragoman Films
T. +1.718.971.5857
F. +1.718.725.7175

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