How does The Exodus Haggadah differ from all others?  It returns the 
full story of the departure of the ancient Israelites from Egypt to 
its place as the focus of the Passover Seder.  That story, newly 
translated from the Book of Exodus, is interleaved with all the 
rituals and prayers of the Traditional Haggadah.  The familiar 
rabbinic commentary and anecdotes are set in the margins with new 
notes on history, geography, and language to provide historical 
context.  Stunning illustrations in four-color process on glossy 
paper appear throughout.
Authored by Semitic linguist and lawyer Seth Ben-Mordecai, The Exodus 
Haggadah is an independent effort to address the need among 
contemporary Jews for a Haggadah that respects tradition but is 
accessible to all, regardless of schooling in history or 
religion.  Reading only the essential text, which is set in bold 
font, a family can conduct a meaningful Seder in about 45 minutes 
before the meal. Mr. Ben-Mordecai has applied his background in 
comparative Semitic linguistics to render the Hebrew text into 
beautiful contemporary English, clarifying dozens of passages that 
were previously obscure.  Available at a pre-Passover discount of 
$18.95 from Vayomer Publishing, Box 60382, Palo Alto, CA 
94306,  <>, The 
Exodus Haggadah (ISBN 0-9786360-0-7) ordinarily retails for $24.95.

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