Dear Friends,

First, all of us at Jerusalem Books would like to invite any of our 
friends and anyone who will be attending the Jerusalem Int'l Book 
Fair, who is involved with, selection and / or acquisition of  books 
from Israel, to join us for a RECEPTION on February 20, 2007, 
6-8:30PM at the Crown Plaza Hotel, with some wine and cheese and 
Klezmer Violin. The event will be in a suite at the hotel, please 
contact us for the suite number or any info.

Often we see unusual, high quality books which may of limited prints 
and of course, if they are in profile we send them. Sometimes if the 
material is of interest but perhaps self published or important but 
not clearly within the profile, we send flyers.

This is one of those occasions where the material is important and 
unusual but self published and expensive. The volume entitled, “Sefer 
Segulot ve-Yishu’ot,’ includes facsimiles of several works from 
manuscript. They are the work of the 18th Century, Yemenite scholar, 
sage and cantor, Rabbi Reuven Shemaya, who emigrated with many 
manuscripts including these, on Philosophy, custom, Astronomy and 
astrology and magic, including, medicine, and amulets as well as 
ethics dating from the 7th to 13th cent's. The publisher is Yeshua 
Ben David Salam.

I cannot guarantee or verify how many copies are in print but if it 
is available we can get it. I think that you may want this for the 
library collection.   Cat. # 62139  $138.00

‘Sefer Pnei Yehoshua,’ an 18th cent. Talmud and Aggada classic has 
been re- published by ‘HAMOR Institute, / Machon HAMAOR in 
<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = 
"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Jerusalem, by Rabbi 
Daniel Bitton. This is a 6 volume work, Cat. # 62154 and sells for $168.00

This important scholarly work includes clear headings, footnotes, 
author’s (R’ Yaakov Yehoshua) biography and over 800 footnotes in each volume.

A recent title which merits comment is Rav Yehoshua Weitzman, has 
published, ‘Raba Emunatekha,’ lessons on Midrash Raba. The book is 
scholarly, with serious footnotes and a nice index to all of Talmud 
and other Midrash – Aggada and another subject index. The author is 
the Rosh Yeshiva in Ma’alot on the Lebanese border and the book is 
highly recommended.  Cat. # 61891 $17.50

The next rabbinic work is mentioned because we want to recommend it 
but also to remind those who are interested, about significant 
publishers of this kind of material. One such publisher is Machon 
Harav Mazli’ah an important publisher of “Sephardi” books. R’ Moshe 
Horev is the author of the book entitled, ‘Sefer Keter Torah,’ which 
deals with the Talmudic Principles of the ‘Ba’ale Hatosfot,’ early, 
Rishonim / Sages (who were, as I recall mostly Ashkenazim living in 
France and Germany, although some did come from Spain.). The work 
also includes many translations and explanations of Aramaic, Talmudic 
terms This constitutes the second edition, 2006, while the first 
edition came out in 2005.  Cat. #62211 $21.00

In the realm of known publishers that everyone ‘wants,’ Mossad Harav 
Kook has published some new books. The description “new” is critical 
here as this publisher is known for occasionally releasing new 
editions of books previously published, (by them), without clear 
indication that it is an offset or re-issue. The first is a two 
volume work entitled, ‘Sha’mati mi-Ravi, Avi Ad Sar Shalom,’ which 
are the teachings and Bible commentary of R’ Eliezer Shalom haCohen 
Litovsky, (z”l c.1931), as heard, saved and edited by R’ Yisrael 
Barzstitsky, who perished in the Lodz Ghetto. Rabbi Letovsky had been 
a Dayan, the Judge of Lodz for over thirty years and the book not 
only includes rare and priceless Bible interpretation but also 
references to other European  sages and even some tragic Holocaust 
history.  Cat. #62210 $ 34.00

Another important book just published by the Mossad Harav Kook, is by 
Dr. Yehoshafat Nevo, ‘Eli Mikra, Iyun ve-Heker be-Sugiyout 
Mikra’iot.’  This work contains much Jewish Thought and Philosophy, 
as well as analysis of commentary including Rashi and Rambam to the 
Maharam.  The work is scholarly, with footnotes and deals with many 
significant issues from nationalism and messianism to relations with 
Christianity, the Spanish expulsion as well as the influences of 
Islam from the 7th to the 10th Cent. (CE).  I cannot recommend this 
work more highly. It’s a "Must Have".  Cat. #62176 $19.50

Lastly, from Mossad Harav Kook, I must mention the recent publication 
of, ‘Perushei HaRamban LeYerushalmi,’ Nashim tractate, Volume II. 
This work, edited by Yoel Florsheim, is scholarly, with copious 
footnotes and multiple indices. It is a work which analyzes and 
compiles the teachings of Nachmanides the 13th Cent Spanish Jewish 
Sage, first published now, from manuscripts.  The only obvious 
caveat, caution, is that this is part of an ongoing series.  Cat. #62177 $24.50

Since we have mentioned publications by Mossad Harav Kook we should 
complete the discussion by adding that scholar and researcher of 
Hassidut, Yitzhak Alfassi, has authored and edited the first volume 
in a new series entitled: Torat Ha-Hassidut.’ This volume and the 
future volumes is an impressive work listing great Hassidic Rabbis 
from the eighteenth to twentieth centuries, including their teachers 
and students and their philosophies, thought, including references to 
their teachings by other sages. The work is arranged by Hassidic 
Dynasties, cross referenced, over 1600 figures / entries in the whole 
series.  Cat. #62304 $31.00 (vol. 1)

Yad Hrav Herzog has published another in the series Encyclopedia 
Talmudit, Otzar Hannuka, isbn 965-445-000-3. We have been debating 
this at Jerusalem Books. We have many customers who get the series on 
standing order, but this volume is collected from within the series, 
including earlier Vol. 16. However, we have had so much interest in 
the series, on Talmud and Halacha and the work includes over 2000 
footnotes, and it can stand alone as well as being part of a series, 
that we highly recommend it to any library that collects books for 
Talmud study and research.

Cat. # 62164, $ 19.00

The Talmud Yerushalmi from Ketuvim is, highly recommended. The 
edition is a new edition with all in one Volume. It has clear square 
print. The text is
divided, for the first time into paragraphs which are numbered. The 
sources of biblical quotes are included and the volume includes seven 
indices, which include over 27,000 entries and cross-references 
including 2 subject indexes.

The book includes a 35 page English Introduction which discusses the 
Talmud Yerushalmi and its commentators / commentaries.

The book is the product of the work of Rabbi 's Shmuel and Hanoch 
Hevlin, known scholars  and is edited by Zvi Preisler a halakha scholar and
student of R' Menachem Elon.  Cat. #62409 $146.00

All of us at Jerusalem Books, wish you a warm and healthy winter and 
a Happy Purim.



   Jerusalem Books, pob 26190
Jerusalem 91261, Israel
tel/fax 972-2-643-3580

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