Please excuse cross-postings. If you are interested please do not 
reply to me but go to the website linked below. Thank you.

Summer Seminars Available in Oxford, Prague and Ljubljana

If you would like to learn first-hand about libraries and library 
services in a different culture and gain a global perspective on 
issues facing libraries around the world, you will want to consider 
enrolling in the  University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School 
of Information and Library Science's international summer seminars. 
Registration is now open to anyone interested in being part of the 
summer seminars in Ljubljana, Republic of Slovenia; Prague, Czech 
Republic; or Oxford, England.

The seminars can either be taken for academic credit or on a 
non-credit basis and are enjoyed by both professional librarians and 
library science students. More information about all three seminars 
including dates and tentative schedules is available on the web at

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