Passover Cooking is Easy & Healthy this Year with:


More than 250 Good-Carb, Healthy-Fat, Sugar-Free Recipes from the Simple to
the Elegant

by Nechama Cohen

For people living with diabetes and restrictive food allergies, eating
traditional Passover fare can cause serious health concerns. For those with
issues such as wheat and gluten intolerance, Passover is the one time of
year that they have an advantage over many others; wheat is not eaten during
Passover, making this holiday easier for them. However, finding appropriate
recipes is always daunting, especially if one is looking for healthier, low
carb/low fat recipes. But this years celebration can be different with the
recipes found in ENLITENED KOSHER COOKING (Feldheim Publishers ) by Nechama

Passover meals, along with the food requirements that traditionally come
with a Seder, entail serious changes in food choices, quantities, and even
eating times. These changes and challenges are awesome for all people and
can be an even more serious source of worry for people who follow specific
dietary regimens. Cohen provides an extensive Passover section with recipes
that make it easy to enjoy delicious foods along with everyone else. Cohen
has also designed an additional 129 recipes throughout the cookbook that are
suitable for Passover. (A list of these recipes can be found at
<> and
<>, where readers can
view additional information on diabetes and Passover.)

About the Author

Founder and CEO of The Jewish Diabetes Association, Nechama Cohen learned
she had type I diabetes in 1985. Once diagnosed, Cohen faced the challenge
of controlling her disease while living a truly traditional Jewish
lifestyle. Rather than shy away from food, she embraced the challenge
through research and cooking, and finally concluded that, with a positive
attitude and enough information, control is obtainable. Since 1986, Cohen
has shared her Enlitened approach to healthful eating and living with
thousands of people, helping them feel happier, healthier, and more
productive. The author of several articles on diabetes for Jewish newspapers
across the country, Cohen continued her studies in social work and nutrition
at Brooklyn College, and then attended Kingsboro College, where she took
courses in nursing. Cohen and her husband divide their time between homes in
Brooklyn, New York and Jerusalem, Israel.

About the Jewish Diabetes Association

  <> The Jewish Diabetes Association (JDA) is a
non-profit, non-sectarian organization founded in 1985. What began as a
small support group has now become a dynamic, worldwide organization
providing support and information to people suffering from diabetes and
diabetes-related illnesses. Because of the close correlation between
obesity, diabetes, and high-risk factors in ethnic populations, JDA stresses
the need for education, prevention, and care. Its magazine, The JDA
Connection for Healthy Living, reaches thousands of readers internationally.

Title: Enlitened Kosher Cooking
Author: Nechama Cohen  Publisher: Feldheim Publishers
Pages: 420 ISBN: 1-58330-888-1 Hardcover, $39.95

Stuart Schnee
Public Relations, Marketing & Sales
US Tel: 973-796-2753
Israel Tel: +972-54-790-9120
Fax: +972-2-561-0943

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