This is posted on behalf of Sharona Tel Oren:

 >Shalom,    My name is Sharona Tel-Oren and I am the daughter of the late
Hebrew poet/author Abraham Regelson (a recipient of notable literary
awards), whose well-loved 1935 classic "Masa HaBubot l'Eretz-Israel" (based
on the adventures and hardships of my family's aliyah in 1933) delighted a
whole generation of readers, young and old.

Today a great-grandma living in Israel's Negev, I'm the heroine of the book
-- the original dolls' Imma.  Not long ago, I translated the book into
English ("The Dolls' Journey to Eretz-Israel"),  as well as  republished it
in the original Hebrew.  My lecture/presentation, "A Historic Tale of a
Unique Aliyah", has been given all over Israel in either Hebrew or English
to adults' groups and/or to children over 6, before schools, synagogues,
retirement centers, AACI/Hadassah/WIZO and ESRA  groups, libraries,
bookshops, community centers, and recently at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem
-- everywhere received enthusiastically by audiences that find it both
entertaining and informative.

I plan on visiting the US this November, and will be happy to accept
invitations to speak before your audience. Cities I plan on visiting
(subject to change): NY (early in November),  Boston, Toronto, Cleveland,
Chicago, Minneapolis, Denver, San Francisco and LA (late November to early

Here is a short synopis of the book:

When her parents decided to move from Cleveland to pre-State Eretz-Israel in
1933, three-year-old Sharona had to leave her dolls behind with her friend
Phyllis.  But the dolls, yearning for their Imma -- her songs, stories, and
Sabbath table -- were determined to join her, and set out on  the journey by
land, sea and air to reunite with their beloved Imma.  Through the medium of
a doll-fantasy, the author describes what aliyah was like in those days, how
people lived then in the young Jewish city of Tel-Aviv, how they spoke, and
what they felt about their ancestral homeland.

Self-published in Israel with Biblio International, and available in
softcover through Amazon or Baker/Taylor [a hardcover library edition is
available  on order only directly through me],  this lively historical book
effectively inspires the reader with Jewish identity and love for Israel. It
was included in the Israel Ministry of Education's "Parade of Books 2006/7"
project to foster quality reading for the young.

For background, excerpts, reviews, readers' comments, audience reactions,
and a 2-minute film with lecture preview, please visit
For additional details you may contact me directly.

Thank you for your attention.  Your speedy response will enable me to plan
my trip accordingly.
Sharona Tel-Oren

POB 134, Omer 84965, Israel  Tel/Fax: 972-8-6460371

 >Lisa Silverman
Library Director
Sinai Temple Blumenthal Library
10400 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90024

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