Can anyone help me identify this book?

A patron is looking for a specific book about being Jewish which someone
once lent her, and she cannot remember either the title or the author's
name.  She says it emphasizes the social (community, family, etc., perhaps
ethical or political?) aspects of Jewish life rather than the religious
aspects.  The title is something humorous or light hearted, and she thinks
it was a book which might be in the library collection of a Reform
congregation, but probably not an Orthodox one.  She says it was written for
adults but that it was relatively easy to read. She has tried two major
booksellers and has looked on line.

 >From her description, it sounded as if it could be one of thousands of
books, except for two limiting descriptors:

1.  It was published some time prior to 2003, because the patron read it
four or five years ago, perhaps in paperback.

2.  The author or the publisher was from Minnesota.

I would appreciate any information which could lead to the identification of
this book, including advice on how to refine my searching skills.

Susan Ellman
Congregation EmanuEl B'ne Jeshurun
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
(414) 228-7545

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