A bunch of people asked me for the results of my request for 
recommendations on books on Israel for 8th graders and for background 
for a teacher teaching Israel to 8th graders. Here are the compiled 
results. Thanks so much to everyone who responded to my 
request!  Janice Levine  The Epstein School Atlanta


1966-1977  by, Gershom Gorenberg
       Pbk      $17    ISBN-13: 978-0805082418
           "Crucial to understanding the birth of settlements
       and Palestinian conflict"  (from Glenn Dynner)

2. For Ages 11-14 (from a 2005 Bibliography)    (from Andrea Rapp)
Israel, by Adam Garfinkle. Philadelphia: Mason Crest Publishers, 
©2004. Series: Modern Middle East Nations and Their Strategic Place 
in the World Written by a Ph.D. in International Relations from 
University of Pennsylvania, this straightforward work focuses on 
Israeli life from a political, historical, and foreign affairs 
perspective.  ISBN-13: 978-1590845523  $25.95  (positive review in 
the AJL Valuesfinder database)
Israel, by Jill Du Bois and Mair Rosh. New York: Benchmark Books, 
©2004. Series: Cultures of the World. DuBois' book emphasizes Israeli 
cultural aspects:
the various religions, languages, arts, leisure activities, foods, 
holidays, ethnic groups and more.
Israel in Pictures, by Margaret J. Goldstein. Minneapolis: Lerner 
Publishing, ©2004. Series: Visual Geography. Despite the title, this 
is not a "picture book" for young children,  but an accurate and 
affirmative book on Israel's history, culture, and geography for grades 5-8.
Israel, by Louise Chipley Slavicek. Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 
©2003. Series: Creation of the Modern Middle East. This excellent, 
fair, and solid history of the State of Israel into the 21st century 
is marred only by Professor Akbar Ahmed's well-meaning but misleading 
introduction, which rehashes the old line that Arabs "cannot be 
anti-Semitic" because they are Semites, and "cannot be anti-Judaic" 
because Islam is respectful of "people of the Book."
Ilan Ramon: Jewish Star, by Devra Newberger Speregen. Jewish 
Publication Society, ©2004. This tribute to the Israeli pilot and 
astronaut conveys the spirit of Israel as it details the career and 
courage of Ilan Ramon.
3.Rachel Kamin: I just read Tasting the Sky: A
   Palestinian Childhood by Ibtisam Barakat.
"It is a beautiful account of a Palestinian family before, during, 
and after the 6 day war which surprisingly doesn't deal with politics 
in any way and portrays both sides as human beings."
4. You might want to take a look at a graphic history, Homeland, by Marv

5. Michael Oren - The Six days of War is an absolute must (for adults)
6. Bard, Mitchell      The Complete Idiot's Guide to Middle East 
Conflict. 3RD Ed. 2005
7. You can look on the Learn Israel web site: www.learnisrael.org We 
have several lesson plans and are posting more daily. There are also 
good weblinks. (from Suzi Dubin)

8. I highly recommend The Israelis: Ordinary People in An 
Extraordinary Land by Donna Rosenthal (Free Press/Simon and 
Schuster). It's read in Jewish high schools all over the country. 
It's in paperback
see www.DonnaRosenthal.com  (from Bami Greene)
FROM THE AJL Jewish VALUESFINDER (Janice Levine's choices)
See the website  www.ajljewishvalues.org
for more details on these books. All are for children, ages 11 and up.
Prices are list prices
1.   Israel (Modern World Nation Series)  by, Donald J. 
Ziegler  Chelsea House, 2007   ISBN 0791092100  $30
2.   A Promise Fulfilled: Theodor Herzl, Chaim Weitzmann, David 
Ben-Gurion and the Creation of the State of Israel
            By, Howard Greenfield  HarperCollins, Greenwillow, 2005
            ISBN 006051504X   $19.89
       3. Israel   by, Martin Hintz  Rev.ed. Children's Press, 2006
            ISBN 0516248545   $27.75
4.    Israel in the News: Past, Present, and Future
      MyReportLinks.com/Enslow, 2006   ISBN  787694584 $24.95
      Useful because it has internet sites, which are supposedly updated
        5.  Understanding the Holy Land: Answering Questions about 
the Israel-Palestinian Conflict  by, Mitch Frank
Viking, 2005   $17.99

Two new ones-need to wait for reviews, but sounded interesting:
Teens in Israel  by, Michael Burgan  Compass Point Books, 2007 For 
Grades 5-8  $23.95
Welcome to Israel  by, Elma Schemenauer  The Child's World, 2007 For 
Grades 3-6 $18.95
   Due out 8/5/07

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