Just to expand on Suzi's comments:

While I think it is important for librarians to have a presence at CAJE
to help educate teachers and educators about Jewish literature, AJL
resources available to them, etc., I do not believe that it will help
solve the problem of library closures.  We do not need to convince the
teachers and education director of the value of libraries and librarians
as much as we need to convince the rabbis, executive directors,
presidents, and other powers that be who make the budget decisions.  It
would be far more valuable/convincing/productive for the rabbi and
executive director at Sinai Temple (where Lisa Silverman works), for
example, to present to their colleagues at one of the rabbinical
conferences or movement conferences about the value of the library and
the librarian in their institution than for us to do it ourselves.
Let's face it - rabbis, executive directors, presidents, and powers that
be are more likely to listen to their peers than to us!

Rachel Kamin, Director
Temple Israel Libraries & Media Center
West Bloomfield, MI

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