I am posting this for a colleague....
Toby Harris, Librarian

Temple De HIrsch Sinai
1511 E. Pike Street
Seattle, WA  98122
(206)315-7398 or (206)323-8486

-----Original Message-----
From: Laurie Cohen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2007 12:49 PM
To: Toby Harris
Subject: FW: Library on-line

The Washington State Holocaust Education Center is looking for 
software to put our lending library of books and multi-media on-line.

We serve a state-wide constituency and we want teachers and students 
to be able to view our collection on-line and be able to check out 
books as well.

We currently use Readerware to catalogue our collection of 2,500 
items that relate to the Holocaust and Holocaust education.

If anyone has used a software for this purpose, please let us know 
what you used, how to contact the vendor, and how it has worked for you.

Thank you very much,

Marie Berry

Administrative Assistant

Washington State Holocaust Education Resource Center

phone 206-441-5747,  fax 206-956-0881


website: <http://www.wsherc.org/>www.wsherc.org

                              .....teaching and learning for humanity

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