Dear Friends,

Now that summer is ending we want to welcome back all those who were 
away, however breifly.

We want to make you aware of some new material that we have seen that 
may be of interest.

We have just gotten an new book by Ezra Malakov, 'Musical Treasures 
of the Bukharian Jewish Community.' The book which is tri-lingual in 
both Russian, Hebrew and English, captures and documents the music of 
this central Asian Jewish community with many melodies, prayers, 
poetry and liturgical poetry.  The work, which is over 444 pages, 
includes MUSICAL NOTES and transliteration of the songs in English as 
well as Hebrew and (some) Judeo-Tajik.

The book includes an introduction to the community and Bukharan 
Jewish History in English as well as in Hebrew and also includes 7 
CDs of music, divided among prayers, Sabbath and Holidays. The book 
also documents and explores the history of the Malakov family of 
Rabbi's, Cantor's and pious, learned women, as well as inevitably 
including much, rich folklore, melodies of Bukhara, Samarkand, 
Tashkent and Shahrisabz.  The book comes in a nice box as well.

I would like to highly recommend this book to any Music Library as 
well as any library of Jewish culture and history.   Published by the 
World Bukharian Jewish Congress, Tel Aviv 2007. Cat. # 64221     $ 

This is something really special and we have a limited number. Please 
don't be deterred by the multiple media aspect of having accompanying 
discs. They can be stored separately or in the accompanying box.

We would also like to bring to your attention some developments in 
the area of Holocaust materials. Please let us know what you think 
and we will be happy to keep you posted on other items.

The field of Holocaust research and literature is as broad and varied 
as any in Jewish Studies or other disciplines. It ranges from 
memorial books dedicated to individual communities, rabbinics / 
sifrei kodesh, written by victims who perished during the Holocaust, 
and those who survived, philosophy, religious or political which is 
influenced by the Holocaust, memoires and histories written by 
witnesses and much multi-disciplinary research on the subject.

Meir Eldar, an author, Polish Jewish Holocaust survivor has written 
and self published another important Holocaust book in Hebrew, 
entitled, 'Yakov Kozalchik – ha-Gibor mi-Krynki be-blok 11.' The work 
is an amazing piece of historical research, replete with testimony, 
accounts, details, corroborating letters and photos, bibliography and 
index, as well as a thrilling tale of torture, death and survival. 
The book examines the true story of  a Kapo, in Block 11 at the 
Auschwitz  - Birkenau concentration camps, who was identified in 
Israel and accused as a war criminal (among others by Polish 
authorities who sought his extradition from Israel to Poland after the war).

The author, with painstaking research, challenges and deconstructs 
the accusations with alternate, documented accounts, which paint a 
different picture of Jacub Kozielczuk.  Included is the false tale 
told by Yakov that he was Max Scmelling's, the German boxer's, 
trainer. This lie may have been part of an elaborate scheme of 
survival, which endeared this Jewish prisoner to the Germans. 
Included as well are accounts in which Yakov the Kapo, saved people 
and also escorted friends to their executions. While he was brutal 
and friendly with the SS, he also saved certain people and may be the 
Kapo he was accused of being or the wrongly accused, unsung hero the 
author depicts.

This important work may succeed in rehabilitating the memory 
of  Yakov the Kapo / 'Hero' of Block 11 or not. Either way, the book 
by Eldar is an important contribution to the analysis, understanding 
and documentation of the Holocaust.  The 98 page book is described as 
the third edition, although, I am certain that it got negligible 
distribution and so this 2007 edition will be of interest to many 
libraries who collect on this subject, isbn 978-965-90404-5-2, Cat. 
#  64390  $ 22.00              .

Moreshet and Yad Vashem have published, 'Be'ikevot ha-Zikaron 
ha-Mudhak,' 'In the Footsteps of Repressed Memory,' by Yosef 
Eizenberg. The book by this Israeli educator and survivor of the Lodz 
ghetto includes much history but is mainly a philosophical and 
spiritual journey and examination of the holocaust and it's meaning. 
The book includes much re-evaluation of facts and history in the 
light of the passage of time and new perspectives on anti-semitism, 
destiny, heroism, nationalism and  Zionism. Isbn 965-7026-64-4, Cat. 
# 62853   $ 27.00

On the academic side, we should mention, Gilad Margalit's book, 
'Ashma, Sevel ve-Zikaron,' 'Guilt, Suffering and Memory – Germany 
Remembers it's Dead of the Second World War,' which was deals with 
many of the same issues, we have just mentioned and particularly, 
holocaust denial and acknowledgement, recognition and repentance. The 
book is published by Haifa University 2007, isbn 965-311-067-5,

Cat. # 64208  $25.00

There are many related things to mention, from the CD ROM of  Esther 
Farbstein at the Jerusalem College, Mikhlelet Yerushalayim, 'Korot 
ha-Sho'ah be'mevo'ot lesifrut ha-rabanit,' (Holocaust and Rabbinic 
Literature), Cat. # 63652 $ 44.00, to,

'In Jewish Lithuania Paths,' a Hebrew guide, including much history, 
maps, photos, addresses and phone numbers, by Akiva Sela, isbn 
965-7234-04-2, published by Mikhlelet Efrata, 2007,  Cat. 64382  $ 16.00

In years past a holocaust memoire entitled, 'Haya'ar ha-Adom,' was 
published by Alpeh publishing, Tel Aviv 1982 and authored by Yitzhak 
Shumovitz. The book which was originally published in Hebrew has been 
published in English, entitled, 'The Red Forest,' by Rivka Teyer, the 
daughter of  Isaac Shumowitz about the travails of their family 
during the holocaust including how they survived in hiding. The new 
book is not only more accessible in English but also has a more 
detailed and frank discussion on the death of small, sick child who 
was smothered so as to save the others in hiding. Cat. # 60140  $24.00

Lastly, for now and at the other end of the spectrum is Ram Oren's 
latest, 'Ha-Shevu'ah,' 'The Oath,' published by Keshet, is a true 
holocaust story of oppression, death, salvation and escape, by the 
best selling Israeli writer better known for his fiction. Cat. # 64258  $ 25.50

Please let us know what interests you and keep in touch,

Wishing all of you a Happy and Healthy New Year from all of us at 
Jerusalem Books ltd.

Jeff Spitzer
Jerusalem Books, pob 26190
Jerusalem 91261, Israel
tel/fax 972-2-643-3580

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